June 2024

Spokes info flyer

A Spokes flyer is now available – print out a few copies if you’re going to a relevant event where you can hand them out or have them on an info stall. The flyer is also downloadable from the Spokes membership page above.

Open Spaces Strategy: Spokesworkers 21.3.10 & 20.4.10

[updated 21.4.10] Edinburgh Council is consulting on its Open Spaces Draft Strategy from March 26 to May 21. It includes some great ideas, but could include more! …


Tram TROs ctd – Spokesworker 9.3.10

More detail about the implication of the tram Traffic Regulation Orders is spelt out in the new issue of Spokesworker, along with more news, dates, and things you can do to help our never-ending campaign for better cycling conditions…


Bulletin 106 – Cycling investment falling

Cycling investment across Scotland risks falling in every year of office of the SNP government – but there are positive signs at Edinburgh Council.


Tram traffic regulation orders – 20.3 deadline

Note – This article was substantially updated on 26.2.10. New update in March 10 news item. Consultation is now underway on the Traffic Regulation Orders for traffic restrictions to allow the tram to run.


Public meeting: City Council Action Plan

The Spokes Spring public meeting on March 23 is your opportunity to hear about and give input to Edinburgh’s Cycle Action Plan…

[Later: for reports on the meeting and the survey held at it, see 23.3.10 here]


Strict liability, folders on buses, local links

There are more updates to the website…


Spokes website new pages

Several website pages have been created or have had big updates recently. Here are some that may interest you…


Scottish Budget 2010-11: nearing the end

The Budget Bill will be debated in the Scottish Parliament on Jan 20, and a final vote is expected on 4 February.
