June 2024

Spokes Summer 2011 Competition

This year’s annual Spokes summer competition – My Cycling Solution – has been launched…


Spokes Bike Breakfast – June 22

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be between 8-10am on Weds 22 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


Election debate & final actions!!

An election debate on walking/cycling investment is now available on YouTube – and there’s an easy way to email your candidates about cycling investment.


Cycling in the Holyrood Manifestos

What is promised for cycling in party manifestos for the May 5th Holyrood elections?? Read on…


Cycle commuting with kids – latest!!

The printed version of the new Spokes factsheet How to be a Cycling Family is now available – and the Bike Station is offering free training and support for local parents interested in giving family cycling a go!


Cycling England killed: final message

Cycling England disappears on 1st April 2011 under the UK government’s Bonfire of the Quangos – a tragic and ill-considered loss, casting doubt on the government’s supposed wish to grow cycle use, and on its ‘green’ agenda.


Bulletin 109: transport spending out of kilter

Without a major change of policy after May’s Holyrood election, the Scottish Government will fail to meet its praiseworthy and potentially achievable target for 10% of trips to be by bike in 2020…


Bike Storage: printed factsheet + feedback/news wanted

The new Spokes printed factsheet on domestic bike storage is now available [free] to interested individuals and groups…


Edinburgh City Centre survey: now open to 14 March

Edinburgh’s City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership [ECCNP] is developing a new ‘community plan’ for the area, and seeks the views of anyone who “lives, works, studies in, or visits, the city centre” …


Bike storage may be needed after all!

Following submissions by Spokes and several individuals, the Scottish government has accepted that its proposed bronze/ silver/ gold standards for sustainable buildings may be too weak on bike storage and need reconsidered. Thank you if you made comments to the consultation!
