June 2024

Bike Shed Bans

[Update 20 December: Breakthrough on garden bike storage see Dec 19 news item]. Different sections of Edinburgh Council are pursuing policies which conflict with each other, and Spokes is asking for a compromise so that cycling policies don’t lose out…


Cycling up slightly in Budget

The Scottish government’s 2013/14 budget brings a small recovery in cycling investment from this year’s low point – but investment is still well under 1% of total transport spending, and nowhere near enough to reach the government’s 2020 target of 10% of all trips to be by bike…


My Favourite Place by Bike: 2012 competition results

Prizewinning entries have been chosen from the Spokes 2012 summer competition, My Favourite Place by Bike …


Pedal on Postbox: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dunblane, Dumfries …

Missed out on the fabulous Pedal on Parliament Scotland? – then why not Pedal on Postbox at events around Scotland on Sunday 16th September.


Bike-Rail Toolkit + conference

The Association of Train Operating Companies [ATOC] has published an exciting new 60-page ‘toolkit’ on how to greatly improve bike-rail integration, so as to make bike-rail a true ‘end-to-end’ journey from home to destination…


Competition closes 9 September

A family ticket to a top Edinburgh attraction – or a first class rail ticket for 2 to escape far from the city – just two of our great prizes – with judging aided by an expert in obscurity and illusion …


Scottish Budget 2013/14

[‘What happens next’ updated 25 Aug] Will the Scottish Government’s 2013/14 draft budget see sense on cycling investment and, more generally, on active travel? Spokes has submitted comments to the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee…


Edinburgh Council Cycle Policy

What should Edinburgh be doing now under its new Labour/SNP administration? And, following the Olympics, will it include a Sir Chris Hoy Cycle Network? …


Edinburgh SkyRide 8 September 2012

Thousands of people are expected to try out cycling on traffic-free roads in Edinburgh on Saturday 8 September…


Factsheet: Get your Child Cycling

There’s a great new Spokes factsheet for parents wanting to help their children get cycling independently …
