June 2024

Bikes ↑↑ Cars ↓↓ … again!!

The May 2016 Spokes traffic census found the highest ever number of bikes and the lowest ever count of private cars. During the 8-9am peak period a remarkable 22.7% of all vehicles heading for the city centre along bike-unfriendly Lothian Road were bikes, as was 26.1% of citybound Forrest Road traffic…


Election: new opportunities beckon!!

The surprise Holyrood ‘no overall majority’ election result brings a glimmer of new hope for increased cycling investment and will make MSPs even more interested in listening to constituents…


Election – who shall I vote for??

No – we aren’t telling you who to vote for! But hopefully giving you some guidance how to use the somewhat complicated Holyrood voting system to vote for the result you’d like…


Holyrood Election Manifestos

How we rate the manifestos on cycling, active travel and related transport issues…

1st Green 2nd= Labour/LibDem 4th= Conservative/SNP 6th UKIP

For detailed comments see our elections page and its manifestos/candidates section.

PoP 2016 biggest ever!!

The biggest & best PoP ever … literally thousands of people, all calling for proper investment in cycling as an everyday means of transport …

photo: beqi at flickr.com


Sat 23 Apr: Pedal on Parliament!!

What the political parties are promising … click here and here

What you can do about it … click here

… including Saturday 23 April, Pedal on Parliament 2016!!

Why?? Because this and this and the lovely PoP video* here…

*the video is from last year, so has a different date – the 2016 […]

Favourite Cycle Rides

Spokes has published a great new booklet based on prizewinning entries from our 2015 Favourite Rides competition…


Spokes Holyrood Hustings – report

Our March 21 public meeting gave the 100 people who came along a great chance to interact with politicians standing for the Holyrood Parliament, and many lessons emerged from the meeting …


Bike/rail cuts: opposition mounts

Our tweet about Transport Scotland’s bike/rail cuts is now easily our most popular ever, with 95 retweets already

Update 28 March: nearly 150 retweets and many appalled comments (a selection below). Also in the national press…

The Herald online 29.03.16. Full story in Herald printed paper.


Cuts coming to train bike spaces

[Update – ‘Opposition mounts‘] Spokes has written to Derek Mackay MSP, Minister for Transport and Islands, about plans by Transport Scotland which will worsen cycle carriage capacity on two of Scotland’s key routes for bike/rail travel – Edinburgh-Falkirk-Glasgow main line and the West Highland Lines – including a drastic capacity cut on the latter.
