June 2024

Thu 5 May 2016: Holyrood Election

The Holyrood election is approaching and is critical to cycling/transport policies/budgets for the next 5 years. We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the opportunity in Edinburgh and the Lothians …


Spokes Bulletin 124: Business backs Bikes

Out now!! Including: Bikes are good for business, large or small; Edinburgh Bike Life report; Government transport priorities; Holyrood election + many local and national issues … Read on!! … […]

Budget blow to walk & cycle

With no changes in the finalised budget, the Scottish Government has set the ground for a retreat on walking and cycling by Councils across the country…


Budget : MSPs briefed on “1% of trunk roads” plan

All MSPs have been sent a briefing on our ‘politically realistic’ proposal for the 16/17 budget – which is to be finalised on Wednesday. The plan has gathered support from more MSPs [including a promise from Malcolm Chisholm MSP to raise it in the budget debate], together with Professor of Physical Activity for Health Chris […]

Budget : more support for our plan

The Scottish Parliament’s Cross Party Cycling Group has written to Deputy First Minister John Swinney MSP supporting our budget proposal; many Spokes members have emailed their MSPs and 260 people have supported FOE’s budget e-action…


Budget : more cash needed – but not yet!

Once again, the Parliament’s Infrastructure Committee has urged more cycling cash – but once again they have bottled out of saying where in the current budget it should come from. They even want a ‘step change’ in funding – but in future years. However, the 16/17 budget is still far from final, and our “politically […]

Scottish Budget – what MSPs say

Following our original article on the 16/17 draft budget, calling for 1% of the 16/17 trunk road budget line to be transferred to cycling and walking, members started contacting MSPs. Some MSP replies are now being forwarded to us…


City Centre East-West route

Consultation on Edinburgh’s planned major new cycleroute ends on February 1st. It is vital for you to respond to the consultation…

Stop Press 28.1.16: The full Spokes submission is here. It begins, “SPOKES compliments the Council on its ambition in producing these proposals, which we warmly welcome.” We thank the many Spokes members who worked […]

Scottish Budget – what you say

Following our article on the draft budget, calling for 1% of the 16/17 trunk road budget line to be transferred to cycling and walking, a few people have started copying us emails they have sent to their MSPs…


Scottish Budget: a realistic proposal

Spokes has written to the Scottish Parliament Infrastructure Committee suggesting a politically realistic option for preventing damage to Council cycling budgets in 2016/17. If you agree, please contact your MSPs in support…
