June 2024

Granton Tramline: #SpokesMtg Report

Our Spokes public meeting on the proposed Granton tramline extension was jammed, with the hall at capacity, the gallery opened, and 20 or more latecomers still having to be turned away – over 200 in total! Whilst many issues were raised, the future of the Roseburn walking/cycling path was the top issue raised in […]

Bike Storage at Home: #SpokesComp results

Storing your bike, or family bikes, is impossibly hard for some people and a doddle for others (until a thief calls!) Our Summer Competition showed just how important it is, but also how complex and difficult it can be, and how it depends so much on personal circumstances such as where you live and […]

#SpokesBB: Bike Breakfast 2023

Our first post-covid Bike Breakfast, on 13 June, attracted its usual big turnout, with lots of opportunity to chat and a greater emphasis on local rather than national stalls. It’s really exciting that, since our last breakfast, there’s been a continued flourishing of new and/or expanding local active travel organisations – stalls included CargoBikeMovement, […]

Edinburgh Council 2022 & Active Travel

Rather unexpectedly, given the results of the election on 5 May, the City is now run by a minority Labour administration, replacing the previous SNP/Labour coalition. What does this mean for active travel? (AT)


Thurs 5 May: 2022 Council Elections

Council elections are approaching and are critical to cycling and transport policies and budgets for the next 5 years.   We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the election opportunity locally. Please use our info to contact and try to influence your own candidates. Send us any useful replies you receive from […]

Holyrood Election 2021 – everything you want to know!(?)

The Holyrood election on 6 May is approaching and is critical to cycling/transport policies and budgets for the next 5 years.   We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the opportunity in Edinburgh and the Lothians, and give links for all-Scotland information. This page will have more info added as it […]

Spokes Election Hustings #Holyrood2021

[Latest, 20 April] Recording of meeting now available here–>https://youtu.be/kugejmKuAmQ

Spokes is holding an online election hustings, on Thursday 15 April, 7.30pm, for the Edinburgh and Lothians area of the Scottish Parliament election, to discuss transport issues with particular emphasis on cycling.



It is difficult to classify some projects e.g. are they North Ed, East Ed or Leith??  Check out other areas on this page. Also specifically Leith Walk area Tramline extension to Leith & Newhaven For 2020 Covid/SfP-related schemes, see covid page For Spokes submissions on more general Edinburgh policy issues see this page

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#SpokesMtg report – City Centre Transformation

Latest: Spokes response to the Transformation Proposals consultation.

Almost every one of the 110 chairs was filled at our public meeting on Edinburgh Council’s City Centre Transformation Proposals.

Top theme to emerge from the talks and the hour-long discussion was that the proposals are encouraging and bold – but that they involve a […]

Yes, it’s a Transformation!

Latest: Spokes Bulletin 134 now out, with special features on the Transformation.

Edinburgh City Council’s long-awaited City Centre Transformation proposals have been published and, perhaps almost unbelievably, they do seem to live up to their name. The Council, and particularly project leader Daisy Narayanan and Transport Convener Cllr Lesley Macinnes, deserve huge […]