June 2024

Election: new opportunities beckon!!

The surprise Holyrood ‘no overall majority’ election result brings a glimmer of new hope for increased cycling investment and will make MSPs even more interested in listening to constituents…


PoP 2016 biggest ever!!

The biggest & best PoP ever … literally thousands of people, all calling for proper investment in cycling as an everyday means of transport …

photo: beqi at flickr.com


Spokes Holyrood Hustings – report

Our March 21 public meeting gave the 100 people who came along a great chance to interact with politicians standing for the Holyrood Parliament, and many lessons emerged from the meeting …


Bike/rail cuts: opposition mounts

Our tweet about Transport Scotland’s bike/rail cuts is now easily our most popular ever, with 95 retweets already

Update 28 March: nearly 150 retweets and many appalled comments (a selection below). Also in the national press…

The Herald online 29.03.16. Full story in Herald printed paper.


Thu 5 May 2016: Holyrood Election

The Holyrood election is approaching and is critical to cycling/transport policies/budgets for the next 5 years. We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the opportunity in Edinburgh and the Lothians …


Scottish Budget – what MSPs say

Following our original article on the 16/17 draft budget, calling for 1% of the 16/17 trunk road budget line to be transferred to cycling and walking, members started contacting MSPs. Some MSP replies are now being forwarded to us…


Spokes Holyrood Hustings 2016

As our Spring Public Meeting, Spokes will hold a 2016 Holyrood election hustings on Monday 21 March, to discuss cycling issues…


Cycling cash 15/16 highest ever (just!)

Scottish Transport Minister Derek Mackay MSP has announced an additional £3.3m for active travel (mainly infrastructure) this financial year, bringing the total to nearly £40m, roughly 1.9% of total transport spending.


Waverley Welcome

From Fortress Waverley to Welcoming Waverley! Spokes congratulates Network Rail on its change of heart, to allow cycle access from Waverley Bridge, thus also removing pushed-bikes from the congested pedestrian footway…



Selected letters and submissions to the Scottish Government, MSPs, and other national bodies.  There are also many useful submissions from Sustrans Scotland and Transform Scotland.

Sheriffhall roundabout – for specifics, see our South Edinburgh page, but see below [1706] for general trunk road issues raised by this Permitted development rights (PDR) for front-garden sheds/containers […]