July 2024

Council Election Manifestos

All Scottish Councils go to the polls on Thursday 4 May. You can help make sure the political parties have bike-friendly manifestos!!


Traffic count – highest ever November bike %

Update Jan 2017: The Evening News printed a further article on Jan 2, concentrating on the fall in motor traffic. This was widely picked up on social media and received worldwide publicity, with many popular tweets e.g. this 88-RT, 114-likes tweet. We took advantage by replying to several tweets to give a link to our […]

Benefiting Business : meeting report

Cycling benefits business now – and has huge further potential. That was the clear message from our public meeting on Benefiting Business through Cycling …


Transport Cttee 1.11.16 … Bike storage ↑↑ … Bus lanes ↓↓

Edinburgh Council’s November Transport Committee both delights us (on secure bike storage) and appals us (on bus lane cuts) …


Spokes Bulletin 126 … Challenges for 2017 … local elections, national budget

In our winter 2016 issue, out now… Edinburgh’s East-West cycleroute; Council elections 2017; shopping by bike; benefiting business through cycling … much more … read on!! …


Shopping the Dutch way wins our competition

Three of the top 10 entries in our Shopping by Bike competition, including the first prizewinner, took their inspiration from the Netherlands…


East-West Central Edinburgh Cycle Route: yes and maybe

At the August 30 Edinburgh Council Transport Committee every political party supported the Council’s planned East-West City Centre cycleroute – but a decision between options A and B at the controversial Roseburn section was deferred and delegated…


Public meeting: Benefiting Business through Cycling

Edinburgh’s economy, business, employees and the population at large are all increasingly benefiting from cycling – and the opportunities are growing…


East-West Central Edinburgh Cycle Route: Decision Time

Stop Press: Ride the Route – Monday 29 August – meet 7.45, Charlotte Square

The 30 August meeting of the Council’s Transport and Environment Committee will decide on the plans for an East-West cycle route from Roseburn to Leith Walk across Edinburgh city centre, and we urge supporters to contact their councillors now…


Quick chance for Brexit cash?

Update 16.11.16: another holding reply from Scot Govt [this one to Alison Johnstone MSP] despite this being “accelerated funding” and needing “early action” Update 20.9.16: holding reply from Scot Govt

Spokes has written to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pointing out that cycling infrastructure would be a highly effective use for some of her promised £100m […]