July 2024

George Street : cycling in the Festival

The Fringe started early for cyclists this year, with an obstacle course for those using George Street.


Competition: ‘Shopping by Bike’

If you love nipping down to the corner shop by bike, or if you’ve transported your new bed by cargo bike, or if you use your trailer as a supermarket shopping trolley – as long as it’s Shopping by Bike – send us your experiences, ideas or handy hints – and you could win […]

The New Spokes Edinburgh Map!!


The long-awaited 10th edition Spokes Edinburgh Cycling and Walking map is here…



Cycling & Health : meeting report

Over 100 people came along to our public meeting on cycling and health, with expert speakers on the huge physical activity benefits, the dangers of air pollution and road crashes, and how politics can help maximise the benefits and reduce the downsides.


Bike Breakfast 2016 #SpokesBB

Despite a damp June 15, there was a great turnout and lots of appreciative comment at our 2016 Spokes Bike Breakfast…


Spokes Bulletin 125: Cycling & Health

In our Summer issue, out now… Bikes up & cars down in Edinburgh; Cycling & Health public meeting; Holyrood election implications; Shopping by Bike; and loads more … read on!! …


Public meeting: Cycling and Health

“10 years younger!” – Stewart Bryden photo

Getting about by bike is great for you!! Middle-aged people who cycle regularly typically enjoy the fitness level of someone 10 years younger, and gain two years in life expectancy. And it’s great for society, reducing pressures on the NHS, on our worsening climate and on […]

Bikes ↑↑ Cars ↓↓ … again!!

The May 2016 Spokes traffic census found the highest ever number of bikes and the lowest ever count of private cars. During the 8-9am peak period a remarkable 22.7% of all vehicles heading for the city centre along bike-unfriendly Lothian Road were bikes, as was 26.1% of citybound Forrest Road traffic…


Election: new opportunities beckon!!

The surprise Holyrood ‘no overall majority’ election result brings a glimmer of new hope for increased cycling investment and will make MSPs even more interested in listening to constituents…


Election – who shall I vote for??

No – we aren’t telling you who to vote for! But hopefully giving you some guidance how to use the somewhat complicated Holyrood voting system to vote for the result you’d like…
