July 2024

Budget – roads ↑↑ rail ↓ cycling/walking static or ↓ish

The draft Scottish Budget 2016-17, coming right after the Paris Climate Summit, continues and worsens the Scottish Government’s unsustainable transport policies. Trunk road spending rises hugely, rail is cut, whilst cycling/walking investment looks if anything slightly down on 15-16, and again falls below 2% of total transport spending.


Spokes Holyrood Hustings 2016

As our Spring Public Meeting, Spokes will hold a 2016 Holyrood election hustings on Monday 21 March, to discuss cycling issues…


Forth Road Bridge closure – cycling opportunity

Update 15.12.15: FORTHBRIDGE CLOSURE SURVEY by Glasgow and Leeds universities Update 10.12.15: Craigie’s Farm letter to MSPs “Three of our staff normally cycle to work over the bridge” Update 10.12.15: Torquil Crichton in The Record “Of course … featherweight cyclists should be allowed …” Update 9.12.15: First reply from Transport Minister, via Cara Hilton MSP […]

Spokes at #ScotClimateMarch and #Ed2Paris

Spokes joined 5000 others (police estimate) at the #ScotClimateMarch calling for a legally binding international agreement at the Paris #COP21 climate summit…


Public mtg calls for Fairer Funding

Two main themes ran through our Nov 17 Climate/Transport/Cycling public meeting – the need for fairer funding, and the importance of concerned individuals (such as you?) being pro-active in making friends, colleagues and politicians more aware of climate and transport issues, and their interaction…


Sat 28 Nov … Scotland’s Climate March


Spokes public mtg Nov 17, pre-report

Despite the rather wet ‘climate’ over 100 people* enjoyed one of our best public meetings ever! – on Climate, Transport & Cycling. A report will follow in a few days, but meantime see all the tweets at #Spokesmtg – and do retweet any that you like!

*People who cycle don’t seem to be put off […]

Nov 17+28 Climate, Transport, Cycle, Walk


The mystery/history 500,000th bike ride!

If our November cycle count day was wet, November 13 was wetter – and windier. Yet there were nearly 1500 bike rides past the Meadows public counter – including, at around 7pm, the 500,000th of 2015!!


Cycling (and driving) in the rain

Our November traffic count encountered the dreichest day of any count, and bike use fell 11% from last year’s dry and mild November count. But cyclists didn’t jump into a car … indeed, car use fell 7% to its lowest ever November figure …
