July 2024

PoP2015 : more cash promised!

Photo by Markus Stitz, @reizkultur

The fourth – and no less phenomenal – Pedal on Parliament was topped with a clear public promise from new Transport Minister Derek Mackay that cycling investment in 15/16 would be the highest ever…


Bikes on Trams – a UK First

[June 30 update – Bikes on Trams now permanent] [May 27 update – bike trial continues in June] Bikes will be carried on off-peak regular tram services in Edinburgh in May – a UK first for Edinburgh Council and for Edinburgh Trams!!


PoP2015: we need hardly remind you!!


Spokes Midlothian 2015 Map

The 4th edition of our Midlothian map is now on sale!!


CargoBikes in Scotland

Spokes has submitted evidence about cargobikes to the Scottish Parliament ICI Committee’s Inquiry into Freight Transport in Scotland…


UK General Election 2015

Information and links to help you decide…


120-strong Spokes City Centre meeting

An amazing 120 people came to hear Edinburgh City’s Transport Convener Cllr Lesley Hinds, Essential Edinburgh’s Richard Darke and Professor Tom Rye of Napier Transport Research Institute speak about the city centre future, and the role of cycling in it…


Super(?)markets Bikepark Project

Nipping down to your local shop or supermarket by bike can be so quick and simple. It provides your daily dose of physical activity and helps the city keep down congestion and pollution. So why do some stores make bikes into second class citizens?


Spokes Bulletin 121: Cash cut averted?

Out now!! Including – A little more cycling cash in Government budget; Edinburgh Council cycle budget now 8% of transport!; City Centre feature; shocking Council retreat on bus lanes; Glasgow v. Edinburgh; Superhighways in London (and Edinburgh?) … Read on …


20 Cheers for Edinburgh!!

Edinburgh Council’s pioneering wide-area 20mph decision has brought some misleading press coverage – and it is great to see the Council, and many concerned individuals, fighting back! …
