July 2024

PoP: it’s all happening!!

Anyone with anything to announce on cycling waited for the Pedal on Parliament weekend …


A90 path consultation

[Updated 24.4.14 with details of temporary closures/diversions during work] Work starts soon on Section 5 of the cycleroute to the Forth Bridge, and Edinburgh Council is also consulting on section 3…


Tramlines: take care & take action

Tramline crashes are now less frequent than in 2013, with changes to the Haymarket taxi rank and greater awareness by regular cyclists. Nonetheless they continue. What can be done?…


Three April events PoP up

The latest Spokesworker is out – with a call to help at Pedal on Parliament, news of 2 long-distance route events, and lots more local and national news…


Cycling: Past, Present and Possible Futures

The Spokes Spring public meeting was our best ever, with an articulate and overflowing audience and some great ideas for Edinburgh’s future…


Pedal on Parliament 2014

Why it matters How you can help More about PoP

Free Solway<->Forth C2C map!

A new long distance ‘Sea to Sea’ tourist route is being planned from the Solway to the Forth…


Understanding Cycling : Spokes Spring Public Meeting

Professor Colin Pooley of Lancaster University will outline findings from the pioneering and controversial Understanding Walking and Cycling research study. Edinburgh Council leader Cllr Andrew Burns will respond, followed by a panel discussion. All welcome!!


Spokes Bulletin 118

Out now! … Edinburgh progress in sustainable transport; Preventing Haymarket tramline crashes; Transport & Planning: failure in joined-up thinking; Council Local Transport Strategy supplement; Everyday bike use pictures; and loads more…


Pedal on Parliament 2014

PoP2014 is as important as ever, and needs you ! …
