July 2024

Spokes National Cycling Proposal

Please support our proposal for a national project to kick-start everyday cycling in every council area within Scotland. You can help!! [July 11: Spokes has now responded to the NPF3 and SPP consultations. See 1307 on our national submissions page].


Brilliant Bike Breakfast

This year’s June 19 Spokes Bike Breakfast was the best so far, with record numbers [sadly, breakfasts ran out before all were fed!] …


Princes Street : fight continues

photo: Chris Hill

Will traffic-free cycling be provided for in Princes Street? The cycling ban in the proposed traffic-free north (shops) side of Princes Street is a critical question for city centre accessibility. It also threatens Edinburgh’s growing international reputation as Scotland’s top cycling city – see below.

Thanks to everyone who has […]

Spokes Bulletin 116

Out now! … Edinburgh to Forth Bridge – major path upgrade; Parking in bike lanes – hope for Edinburgh? ; Spokes big summer competition; Strict Liability supplement; and loads more… […]

Princes Street: visionary shock

Spokes strongly welcomes the City Council’s intention to make the City Centre a more European-style people-friendly place. While our first preference was a totally traffic-free Princes Street, we welcome the trial of the Council’s ‘Vision,’ which reduces traffic on Princes and George Streets – except in one vital respect. We are shocked that cycling will […]

sPokesworker 29.5.13: potholes, PANs, PoP, punctures

The new Spokesworker covers all the above, plus the top ‘P,’ Princes Street…


PoP 2013: Sunday May 19

It’s just as important this year, and you are needed!!


‘Astounding’ comments by Sheriff

An Edinburgh man convicted of causing two separate cyclist deaths will be back on the roads in just 5 years, to the great concern of his last victim’s husband and everyone concerned with road safety. Comments by the sheriff have also shocked many and were branded by Edinburgh Council Leader Cllr Andrew Burns as “completely […]

Are cyclists buses or taxis?

Spokes has submitted its comments on the Council’s plans for the future of Princes Street and George Street…


The Good, the Bad or the Ugly??

What do Spokes members think about Princes Street, about tramlines and about Edinburgh City Council’s Quality Bike Corridor? Now we know …
