July 2024

Spokesworker 25.3.12: actions, events, news


Bulletin 112: Edinburgh Excels

The Spring Spokes Bulletin praises Edinburgh City’s remarkable “5% + external funding” budget decision [also rising by 1% a year] as a model for other Scottish Councils…


‘Cities fit for Cycling’ campaign

The Times #Cyclesafe campaign has made a huge impact at UK level …


Edinburgh Council election hustings

The Spokes Spring public meeting on Thursday 29 March will be a hustings for the May 3rd Edinburgh Council elections…


Bike/rail in Scotland: the Future : urgent!

You have until Monday 20 Feb to submit comments on the future of rail – including bike/rail – in the Transport Scotland Rail 2014 Consultation…


Scottish Budget improved!

A significant chunk of the severe cuts planned to active travel in the government’s original draft budget were reversed in the final version, approved by Parliament this week…


Edinburgh sets new standard

[Big update below, 14.2.12] Edinburgh City councillors have taken a remarkable decision on cycling investment in today’s Council 2012/13 budget, setting a completely new standard for other councils…


Budget change of heart ??

In advance of Wednesday’s final budget debate and vote, Finance Secretary John Swinney is “looking carefully” at “sustainable travel budgets” …


Spokes meets Transport Minister

Spokes and the Bike Station met Transport Minister Keith Brown MSP on February 1st to discuss cycling investment in Scotland…


Council Elections 3 May 2012

Spokes has issued a manifesto to political parties contesting the City of Edinburgh council elections…
