July 2024

Budget disaster: new Spokes flyer

Spokes has produced a new summary handout on the Scottish draft budget 2012/13 …


Future of bike-rail in Scotland

Two major consultations will help decide the future of bike-rail in Scotland…


Nov 17: Spokes Public Meeting

A poster [pdf 241k] is now available. Come along to hear and ask about latest developments in Edinburgh’s Active Travel Action Plan and how its cycling policies compare to Oxford’s Dual Network [click public meeting for more on each].

Bulletin 111: SNP manifest’No

The Scottish Government’s draft 2012-13 budget, now being consulted on, makes a mockery of the SNP election manifesto of just 6 months ago, which promised to “increase the proportion of transport spending on … active and sustainable travel.”


Budget update: cheeky reply

Much lobbying is happening over the disastrous Scottish draft budget 2012-13, now out for consultation. If you are unhappy please email your MSPs.


Onstreet overnight bike parking

Edinburgh Council has unveiled its pilot scheme to install overnight bike parking in tenemental and other areas where bikes cannot be stored indoors. If interested for your area, apply by 9 December.


Sheffield Cycle Campaign Conference

A sudden influx of Brompton folding bicycles at Sheffield railway station marked the start of the 2011 Cyclenation/CTC conference. Held at Sheffield University on 15th October, this was a chance to catch up with campaign groups from across the UK as well as try out some trams that actually work.


My Cycling Solution – 2011 competition results

Prizewinning entries have been chosen from the Spokes 2011 summer competition – to identify a problem related to using a bike, and how to solve it…


Draft Scottish Budget – Spokes submission

Spokes has published its formal submission on the draft Scottish budget. The budget, which is now up for consultation, is every bit as bad for active travel as we feared in our initial impressions.


Nov 17: Edinburgh and Oxford

The Spokes autumn public meeting will compare cycling policies in Edinburgh and Oxford…
