July 2024

Draft Scottish Budget savages SNP manifesto

Despite a promise in the SNP manifesto to “increase the proportion of transport spending on … active and sustainable travel” the draft budget looks set to slash investment in cycling and walking – alongside a huge increase in trunk roads spending.


Edinburgh tram update

With work restarting on the tram, there are many implications for cyclists…


Scottish Budget 2012-13

The new Scottish SNP-majority government is now putting together its first budget. There are some very hopeful signs and some very worrying signs. Please help us ensure that the transport section of the budget invests properly in cycling as a form of transport, for the sake of public health, the environment, the economy … and […]

Spokes Competition 2011

Only 4 weeks left to enter the Spokes summer competition, My Cycling Solution. Win one of the great prizes [see below] and pass on your brilliant idea to the world!! …


Free family-cycling training for parents

If you have children, especially young ones, would you like to cycle with them for your every-day journeys? Do you have any friends/ colleagues in that position? …


20mph zone ok’d in limited form

The South Edinburgh wide-area 20mph zone today got the go-ahead, but most ‘through’ roads will now remain at 30mph…


Council to backtrack on 20mph?

Edinburgh City Council is proposing to retreat on its South Edinburgh 20mph plans, but you can help prevent this …


Bus station bike lockers

Edinburgh Council has installed 4 bike lockers at St Andrews Square bus station. If successful, numbers are likely to be expanded and lockers installed elsewhere…


Spokesworker 19.6.11: expert interview

Interview by European Cyclistss Federation (ECF) with Prof John Pucher – world expert on what works to get more people on bikes. For more on this…


Cyclists & Lothian Buses: audio documentary

Sound artist Emma Quayle has created and donated to Spokes an audio documentary highlighting the efforts of Lothian Buses to create greater understanding of bus/cyclist interaction…
