July 2024

Railway path attacks [updated 8 & 14 Oct]

A cyclist has been injured on the Davidson’s Mains path by children who dropped a tree sapling or branch on her from the footbridge between Silverknowes Neuk and House o’ Hill Avenue.


CEC Active Travel Action Plan

Edinburgh Council’s Active Travel Action Plan [ATAP], incorporating the Cycling Action Plan, has been finalised and agreed by the Council’s Transport Committee.


Tenements/flats – bike storage survey – CLOSING

Spokes is looking to future developments in our bike storage in flats and tenements project. As part of this we need to identify how our forthcoming information materials can be used to best effect …


North Berwick trains: bike survey

If you use the North Berwick rail service (including to or from intermediate stations) please help in our survey of bike usage…


12 month cycleroute closure

The Roseburn path beside Balbirnie Place, including its connection to Russell Road, is to be closed for 12 months from Sept 20, to allow construction of the tram bridge over Russell Road. Stop Press: [24 Sept] the closure of Russell Road (and of the cycleroute??) has been postponed – unknown for how long.


Spokes competition 2010 – new entry form

You don’t have to be an artist to enter our Spokes summer competition…


Spokesworker 21 July 2010

The latest Spokesworker has loads of news and things to do…


CEC Cycle Action Plan – Spokes response

Spokes has responded to Edinburgh Council’s draft Cycle Action Plan…


The Big Example

Anyone organising a big event at a potentially car-based site could learn a great lesson in terms of encouraging sustainable access from The Big Tent environment festival on July 23-25 in Fife.

Spokes Tenements Bike Parking Project

The Spokes CCF-funded project to produce comprehensive materials on living with a bike in a flat or tenement is underway…
