July 2024

Spokes info flyer

A Spokes flyer is now available – print out a few copies if you’re going to a relevant event where you can hand them out or have them on an info stall. The flyer is also downloadable from the Spokes membership page above.

Spokes ‘Copenhagen’ Sunday Ride, 6th December

Spokes regular Sunday ride is a bit different on Sunday 6th December – it is supporting RIDE PLANET EARTH in support of a strong climate change agreement at Copenhagen.


Scotsman article on Princes Street

See today’s Scotsman (23rd Nov) for an opinion piece by Lesley Riddoch based on discussion at the public meeting last week. You will have to buy the paper or have a subscription to see the whole article at http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/opinion/-Time-for-straight-talking.5847372.jp Letters to the Scotsman in response welcomed.

Spokes Sunday Bikes Rides

First Sunday of every month (Except if the First Sunday is January 1st, then the ride will take place a week later, on January 8th). Meet at 10am, at the Usher Hall, Lothian Road.

Free guided bike rides along cycles paths and quiet roads to destinations in The Lothians, Fife or The Borders. Come along […]

Cycling to work is healthy

Employees who cycle regularly to work are less frequently ill, with on average more than one day per year less absenteeism than colleagues who do not cycle to work. See Netherlands TNO report for details.

Scottish Government snubs cycling whilst boosting trunk roads – Bulletin 103

The Spring Spokes Bulletin is out, highlighting the failure of the Scottish Government to take bike use seriously in its 2009/10 budget – despite the all-party evidence-based recommendation of the Parliament’s own Transport, Environment and Climate Change Committee. Yet big new money is going into trunk roads. So – a huge question mark over the […]