July 2024

Cycling Plans in the New Councils – November 9 Public Meeting

New Edinburgh and Lothians Councils were elected in May 2017. Now that they have settled in, what are their plans and policies for cycling as transport? Find out and ask your questions at our public meeting on Thursday 9 November…


No-way and 1-way problems top our Low-Cost competition

30.9.17 Latest: Transport Cttee motion by Cllr Chas Booth asking for competition entries to be followed up by the Council Localities. See item 9.1 in the agenda and item 23 here in the approved minutes of the 5.10.17 Committee. 28.2.19 Committee report on action by the Localities – see appendix to the 28.2.19 Business Bulletin. […]

Competition: Low Cost Actions to Boost Bike Use

Big change needs big schemes – but many little things can be done quickly to make cycling life better. For example, a flush kerb, an employer initiative, signs, landscaping, blocking a rat-run, allowing two-way cycling in a quiet one-way street, maybe something really innovative. Ideas likely to cost up to a few £1000s, so not […]

Double deputation!! .. Tramlines/CityCentre + Sheriffhall

On June 29 morning, Spokes was making 2 deputations – one at Edinburgh Council (on tramlines and city centre issues) and one at the Scottish Parliament (on Sheriffhall roundabout and wider trunk road/cycling issues). Watch both here…


Tackling Road Danger – meeting report

A culture in which road danger is increasingly unacceptable, and progressively reduced, can be created by a multi-pronged approach using many policy levers – of which street design and infrastructure is at the top of the list. This was the over-riding message of our June 14 public meeting …


#SpokesBB 2017 : Council to be “most cycle-friendly” in Edinburgh’s history

Speaking at Spokes’s 2017 Bike Breakfast, Cllr Adam McVey, incoming Council Leader, said the new Council would be the most cycle-friendly in Edinburgh’s history…


Again … Bikes ↑↑ Cars ↓↓ … a great legacy for the new council !!

Our May traffic count, averaged over our 4 regular count points, found bikes forming 19.1% of all vehicles – the highest ever percentage. Bikes comprised more than 1 in 4 of citybound vehicles (26.6%) and exactly 1 in 10 southbound. The total number of bikes rose by 7.2% compared to May 2016. Latest: Scotsman […]

Public meeting: Tackling Road Danger

It is now widely accepted that quality bike infrastructure is a vital route to substantially more bike use and to further danger reduction, but most roads will still not have protected bike lanes in the near future – so how can danger be reduced in the existing road system?


Spokes 2017 Council Hustings – report

Our April 6 Hustings gave the 70 or so people who came along a great chance to interact with politicians from the 5 main parties standing for Edinburgh City Council …


Spokes Council Hustings, 6 April

On May 4th this year, every Council in Scotland will be re-elected. Our Spring Public Meeting on 6th April will be an election hustings for Edinburgh Council…
