July 2024

Favourite Cycle Rides

Spokes has published a great new booklet based on prizewinning entries from our 2015 Favourite Rides competition…


Spokes Holyrood Hustings – report

Our March 21 public meeting gave the 100 people who came along a great chance to interact with politicians standing for the Holyrood Parliament, and many lessons emerged from the meeting …


Top 2015 Tweets: a New Year message?

Here are our most popular tweets from the last 12 months, measured by the number of retweets (RTs). What will we see in 2016??


Spokes Holyrood Hustings 2016

As our Spring Public Meeting, Spokes will hold a 2016 Holyrood election hustings on Monday 21 March, to discuss cycling issues…


Spokes at #ScotClimateMarch and #Ed2Paris

Spokes joined 5000 others (police estimate) at the #ScotClimateMarch calling for a legally binding international agreement at the Paris #COP21 climate summit…


Public mtg calls for Fairer Funding

Two main themes ran through our Nov 17 Climate/Transport/Cycling public meeting – the need for fairer funding, and the importance of concerned individuals (such as you?) being pro-active in making friends, colleagues and politicians more aware of climate and transport issues, and their interaction…


Sat 28 Nov … Scotland’s Climate March


Spokes public mtg Nov 17, pre-report

Despite the rather wet ‘climate’ over 100 people* enjoyed one of our best public meetings ever! – on Climate, Transport & Cycling. A report will follow in a few days, but meantime see all the tweets at #Spokesmtg – and do retweet any that you like!

*People who cycle don’t seem to be put off […]

Nov 17+28 Climate, Transport, Cycle, Walk


Cycling (and driving) in the rain

Our November traffic count encountered the dreichest day of any count, and bike use fell 11% from last year’s dry and mild November count. But cyclists didn’t jump into a car … indeed, car use fell 7% to its lowest ever November figure …
