July 2024

Competition: East Lothian triumph!!

The pleasures of East Lothian cycling beat all others in our summer competition, My Favourite Bike Ride, with first prize awarded to Dunbar resident and Spokes member, Mark James…


Nov 17 public mtg: Climate, Transport & Cycling

With the world climate summit in Paris in December, and huge climate marches in Edinburgh and across the globe on Nov 28/29, our autumn public meeting will consider the relationship between climate change and transport … from trunk roads to cycling … from national politics to how we commute…


Competition: ‘My Favourite Bike Ride’

Everyone with a bike has a favourite ride – tell us yours and you could win a great prize plus some modest fame. We’ve had feedback that the comp is complicated to enter, but it isn’t!! – see page 2 of the entry form [pdf] or [doc]. We only need a brief description of the […]

Public Mtg calls for Train/Bike space

Over 100 people came to our summer public meeting to talk about bike/rail integration. The overwhelming concern during an extensive QA session following the presentations was about bike carriage on trains – space and certainty for passengers, and opportunities for operators…


Great 2015 SpokesBB. Next year #SpokesBB!!

Despite a damp June 17, there was a great turnout and lots of appreciative comment at our 2015 Spokes Bike Breakfast.


Abellio Scotrail Cycle Innovation plan

Abellio’s exciting plan for bike/rail integration in Scotland is now public – just in time for our June 15 bike/rail public meeting…


Bikes & Rail: June 15 Spokes public meeting

Dutch company Abellio is now running ScotRail. What does this mean for bike/rail? What else is happening locally and in Scotland for bike/rail? Our headline speaker is Des Bradley, Transport Integration Manager for Abellio ScotRail.


Traffic Count : Bikes highest ever %

Despite a cold and windy morning, the May Spokes traffic count found bikes forming 16.5% of all vehicles at our 4 count points, the highest ever %, and only the second time to exceed 16%…


PoP2015 : more cash promised!

Photo by Markus Stitz, @reizkultur

The fourth – and no less phenomenal – Pedal on Parliament was topped with a clear public promise from new Transport Minister Derek Mackay that cycling investment in 15/16 would be the highest ever…


Bikes on Trams – a UK First

[June 30 update – Bikes on Trams now permanent] [May 27 update – bike trial continues in June] Bikes will be carried on off-peak regular tram services in Edinburgh in May – a UK first for Edinburgh Council and for Edinburgh Trams!!
