July 2024

Factsheet: Get your Child Cycling

There’s a great new Spokes factsheet for parents wanting to help their children get cycling independently …


Bike Breakfast record!

This year’s Spokes Bike Breakfast was a huge success with several hundred people – and an amazing one-third of Edinburgh City’s 58 councillors appearing, most of them arriving by bike…


Spokes 2012 Competition

This year’s annual Spokes summer competition – My Favourite Place by Bike – has been launched…


Helmets feedback & factsheet

The article about creeping helmet compulsion in Spokes 113 attracted wide interest from the media, though much less from individuals. Encouragingly, most of the coverage was balanced and was supportive or understanding of our position …


Spokes Bike Breakfast – June 20

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be between 8-10am on Weds 20 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


Edinburgh Council election hustings

The Spokes Spring public meeting on Thursday 29 March will be a hustings for the May 3rd Edinburgh Council elections…


Spokes meets Transport Minister

Spokes and the Bike Station met Transport Minister Keith Brown MSP on February 1st to discuss cycling investment in Scotland…


Season’s Greetings from Spokes

Click on the seasonal concept you’re interested in … Christmas present Scrooge (1) The wise men (and women) Scrooge (2) Paradise


Spokes Mapp Buff: buying after xmas

Spokes has commissioned an Original Buff printed with an extract of the Edinburgh Spokes cycle map…


Nov 17: Spokes Public Meeting

A poster [pdf 241k] is now available. Come along to hear and ask about latest developments in Edinburgh’s Active Travel Action Plan and how its cycling policies compare to Oxford’s Dual Network [click public meeting for more on each].