July 2024

Sheffield Cycle Campaign Conference

A sudden influx of Brompton folding bicycles at Sheffield railway station marked the start of the 2011 Cyclenation/CTC conference. Held at Sheffield University on 15th October, this was a chance to catch up with campaign groups from across the UK as well as try out some trams that actually work.


My Cycling Solution – 2011 competition results

Prizewinning entries have been chosen from the Spokes 2011 summer competition – to identify a problem related to using a bike, and how to solve it…


Nov 17: Edinburgh and Oxford

The Spokes autumn public meeting will compare cycling policies in Edinburgh and Oxford…


Spokes Competition 2011

Only 4 weeks left to enter the Spokes summer competition, My Cycling Solution. Win one of the great prizes [see below] and pass on your brilliant idea to the world!! …


Free family-cycling training for parents

If you have children, especially young ones, would you like to cycle with them for your every-day journeys? Do you have any friends/ colleagues in that position? …


Cyclists & Lothian Buses: audio documentary

Sound artist Emma Quayle has created and donated to Spokes an audio documentary highlighting the efforts of Lothian Buses to create greater understanding of bus/cyclist interaction…


Spokes Sunday Rides – the Social way to spend a Sunday this Summer

Spokes Sunday Ride June 3rd 2011 (Cycling around Edinburgh) from Moafaq Jamal on Vimeo.


Spokes Summer 2011 Competition

This year’s annual Spokes summer competition – My Cycling Solution – has been launched…


Spokes Bike Breakfast – June 22

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be between 8-10am on Weds 22 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


Cycle commuting with kids – latest!!

The printed version of the new Spokes factsheet How to be a Cycling Family is now available – and the Bike Station is offering free training and support for local parents interested in giving family cycling a go!
