July 2024

Spokes tenements storage survey

“No storage facilities in flat, and would be unable to keep in the stair. Would love to have a bike!”


Spokes path art competition results

Our two top prizewinners came up with really imaginative ideas which are not just to look at but, most of all, to experience whilst cycling…


“the most detailed and comprehensive …”

The Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) has just published a new briefing paper, Cycling in Scotland: Update 2010. […]

Tenements/flats – bike storage survey – CLOSING

Spokes is looking to future developments in our bike storage in flats and tenements project. As part of this we need to identify how our forthcoming information materials can be used to best effect …


Spokes competition 2010 – new entry form

You don’t have to be an artist to enter our Spokes summer competition…


Spokes Tenements Bike Parking Project

The Spokes CCF-funded project to produce comprehensive materials on living with a bike in a flat or tenement is underway…


Spokes 2010 Summer Competition

This year’s annual Spokes summer competition has been launched…


Spokes Bike Breakfast – 23 June

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be on between 8-10am on 23 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


Everyday cyclists want more/better onroad facilities + action in Princes St & Picardy Place

An 85-person survey at the Spokes public meeting on the Council’s forthcoming Cycling Action Plan sees more and better-maintained onroad cycle facilities and conditions as the top priority. Top areas where cycle-friendly decisions are essential are Princes Street and Picardy Place.


Spokes info flyer

A Spokes flyer is now available – print out a few copies if you’re going to a relevant event where you can hand them out or have them on an info stall. The flyer is also downloadable from the Spokes membership page above.