July 2024

#SpokesComp 2019 – Inspired to use a bike!!

Who or what inspired you, or who did you inspire, to get about by bike, especially for everyday journeys?  Our summer competition uncovered many sources of inspiration, most notably friends and relations, concerns about climate and environment and the desire for health and fitness.


Bike Storage for Flats and Tenements

Spokes has published a new factsheet, How to be a Cycling Flat-Dweller. The factsheet covers everything from in the flat, in the stair, in gardens, or on the street – and even with a few extra hints for storing e-bikes or cargo bikes.


#SpokesComp closes 1 September

Don’t miss out on these great prizes!!!

ScotRail: Return standard class ticket for 2 adults + 4 kids between any 2 Scottish stations Edinburgh Bike Coop: Edinburgh Bicycle £50 voucher Sustrans Scotland: Any 5 maps from ‘Pocket Cycle Map’ series Filmhouse: Tickets for 2 Camera Obscura & World of Illusions: Family day ticket [2 […]

#SpokesComp: My Cycling Inspiration

For our 2019 summer competition we’d like to know what inspired you to start getting around by bike – or how you inspired someone else to start.

There are brilliant prizes – vouchers/tickets for cafes, bike shops, entertainment; a Scotland rail trip for 2; and an amazing new prize of a £500 voucher towards […]

#SpokesMtg report – City Centre Transformation

Latest: Spokes response to the Transformation Proposals consultation.

Almost every one of the 110 chairs was filled at our public meeting on Edinburgh Council’s City Centre Transformation Proposals.

Top theme to emerge from the talks and the hour-long discussion was that the proposals are encouraging and bold – but that they involve a […]

#SpokesMtg: Climate/Transport/Cycling

Some main points to emerge from our 110-strong public meeting…

The climate is in crisis and action is urgent The crisis embodies many inequities, with greater impacts likely on the young and on poorer people and poorer countries – i.e. those least responsible for causing the crisis Transport is the biggest, and growing, contributor to […]

#SpokesMtg 20 March – Climate, Transport & Cycling

With increasingly powerful scientific warnings of climate breakdown, with transport now Scotland’s biggest source of climate emissions, with cycle use increasing too slowly, and with a Climate Bill going through the Scottish Parliament, our Spring public meeting will consider the relationship between climate change and transport … from trunk roads to cycling … from national […]

Top Tweets 2018: a hiatus year

We list the most popular Spokes tweets from the last 12 months, measured by the number of retweets (RTs). They reflect a year in which there were no major threats to existing facilities or to existing major cycleroute proposals, but where no significant new cycleroute facilities appeared in the heart of the city either, although […]

#SpokesMtg … Diversity & Opportunity

Growing opportunities enabling more and more categories of people to get about by bike were a top feature of our ‘Diversity Rules’ public meeting …


#SpokesCount: highest ever Nov bike %

Our November 2018 traffic count, averaged over our 4 regular count points, found bikes forming 16.8% of all vehicles – the highest ever November percentage, up from last year’s 16.5%, and almost equalling the 16.9% in our summer (May) count.
