July 2024

Edinburgh SkyRide 7 Sept 2013

Thousands of people are expected to try out cycling on traffic-free roads in Edinburgh this Saturday 7 September…


Thank You for Using a Bike Today*

The Scottish and UK governments are investing at far too low a level to provide widespread feel-safe cycling conditions anytime soon, and many people have to cycle on busy roads if they wish to get quickly from some A’s to some B’s. So how should cycling be portrayed and promoted whilst this situation remains? […]

‘Astounding’ comments by Sheriff

An Edinburgh man convicted of causing two separate cyclist deaths will be back on the roads in just 5 years, to the great concern of his last victim’s husband and everyone concerned with road safety. Comments by the sheriff have also shocked many and were branded by Edinburgh Council Leader Cllr Andrew Burns as “completely […]

The Good, the Bad or the Ugly??

What do Spokes members think about Princes Street, about tramlines and about Edinburgh City Council’s Quality Bike Corridor? Now we know …


Spokes Bulletin 115

Out now! … Edinburgh Council budget 2013/14, Princes Street pedestrian/cyclist huge potential [Jan Gehl], two victories on garden bike shed removal orders, ‘everyday cycling’ pictures, and loads more…


CAPS Refresh : Spokes view

Responding to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland, Spokes calls for political leadership and adequate funding if the government is to move towards its own 2020 target of 10% of trips to be by bike…


Princes Street petition

Spokes is calling for Princes Street, Scotland’s premier street, to be made pedestrian-friendly, cycle-friendly, and a truly great place to move around, relax, shop, eat and enjoy in peace and safety. Please sign our petition – see link below!!


Leith Walk future

A remarkable joint submission by Greener Leith, Spokes, local Community Councils, the Cockburn and other groups puts the council under unprecedented pressure to come up with a truly people-friendly Leith Walk, including a ‘protected’ uphill cycle lane …


Midlothian cycle facilities – now and future

Cllr Ian Baxter, Spokes member and Green councillor, has sent us an extensive list of cycling facilities in Midlothian, and is to draw up a paper of problems and opportunities which need addressed to encourage more people to use bikes for more journeys.


Airdrie-Bathgate admission + Borders link

[Borders Rail paragraphs updated 7.1.13 and again 28.1.13] The Scottish Government has allocated £500k for improved cycle/pedestrian access to stations on the now 2-year old Airdrie-Bathgate railway – a welcome sum and also a tacit admission that the original plans left a lot to be desired …
