July 2024

New councils…

What do the Scottish council election results mean for cycling policy and investment in Edinburgh and elsewhere? …


Pedal on Parliament

Spokes urges you to come along – with friends and family – to Pedal on Parliament on Saturday 28 April. Join the huge rally, along with round-the-world cyclist Mark Beaumont (on his shortest-ever bike ride!), Spokes members Alison Johnstone MSP (Green) and Ian Murray MP (Labour) and other supportive politicians such as Jim Eadie MSP […]

Edinburgh party election manifestos

[Updated 1 May] With most manifestos for the May 3 Council elections in Edinburgh now published in whole or in part, we reproduce the sections most relevant to cycling issues in the city…


Spokesworker 25.3.12: actions, events, news


Bulletin 112: Edinburgh Excels

The Spring Spokes Bulletin praises Edinburgh City’s remarkable “5% + external funding” budget decision [also rising by 1% a year] as a model for other Scottish Councils…


‘Cities fit for Cycling’ campaign

The Times #Cyclesafe campaign has made a huge impact at UK level …


Press letters

This page may include relevant press letters by Spokes or by anyone…

[NB – when reading any press letter please remember – the headline is chosen by the letters editor, not the writer; and the letter as submitted is often edited, sometimes substantially, by the letters editor – usually quite well, but some of the […]

Edinburgh tram update

With work restarting on the tram, there are many implications for cyclists…


20mph zone ok’d in limited form

The South Edinburgh wide-area 20mph zone today got the go-ahead, but most ‘through’ roads will now remain at 30mph…


Kids & schools cycling links

See also..

our page of Spokes factsheets & downloads on cycling with and for young people our videos page, for the Bike Alert materials we used in schools 6th-year driver awareness sessions. Council School Streets projects [street closures] Edinburgh School Streets web pages In 2020/2021 street improvement outside some 70(!) schools, ranging from wider footways […]