July 2024

Local Transport Research

This page contains relevant transport research papers (other than Spokes research) which investigate issues in Edinburgh and/or the Lothians (and some Scotland).  For other research, local and not, see our research topics page.

2401 Does cycle commuting reduce the risk of mental ill-health? Edinburgh University study, press release: “Researchers found a 15 per cent […]

CEC transport & planning policy relevant to AT

See also…

Edinburgh overall transport policy Submissions by Spokes (and some others) CEC Transport & Environment Cttee Edinburgh Council Cycle Forum Edinburgh Council links including locations of bike routes, parking & family network Bike storage in gardens – our factsheet, now in Council Guidance

2307 ATAP 2023 [also para 2302 below] Consultation page / […]

Inspirational papers and documents

See also: Links to technical and research documents

Inspirational/thoughtful blogs

[NB – for some excellent locally-based cycling-related blogs, see links – Edinburgh]

Thinking about Cycling by Dave Horton. See also his Bike Hub article Save our cities: build for bicycles, not cars.

Inspirational papers and documents by academics or others…

[NB – see also links […]

Open Spaces Strategy: Spokesworkers 21.3.10 & 20.4.10

[updated 21.4.10] Edinburgh Council is consulting on its Open Spaces Draft Strategy from March 26 to May 21. It includes some great ideas, but could include more! …


Transport/ health/ environment bodies

See separate page for cycling campaigns/bodies

Transport – Scotland

Transform Scotland – Scottish sustainable transport alliance Capital Rail Action Group [CRAG] – for public transport, especially rail, in Edinburgh area Living Streets Scotland – promoting sustainable transport, especially walking Forthright Alliance – [now inactive] opposing the next Forth Road Bridge

Transport – UK

Urban […]

Edinburgh/Lothians cycling info/organisations

Local bike organisations

The Bike Station – recycling old bikes, adult training, workplace, community outreach, etcAgeing Well – cycle skills courses for beginners age 50+Edinburgh Guerrilla Cinema – exciting bike-powered carbon-neutral cinema project with young-person emphasis [volunteer helpers needed]

Local bike rides

Cycling Edinburgh – excellent pulling-together of all known local bike ridesSpokes Sunday […]

Council links


Basic links for all Scottish Councils, from the WalkCycleVote campaign. Gives links for councillors/ consultations/ cycle-walk strategies/ local groups/ etc…

Edinburgh Council

Home page – edinburgh.gov.uk

Councillors – find/contact your councillors (you have 3 or 4). Unfortunately in the new council website (2020) you can no longer just type in your postcode. First you […]

Tram issues and development

Separate page for the tramline extension to Leith & Newhaven Separate page for Granton to Bioquarter See also our Princes Street and City Centre downloads page Note:  In early 2012 responsibility for the original tram project was taken over by Edinburgh City Council from the former TIE organisation.  Similarly, the Council will take […]

Cycling and tramlines – training session Sun 13

The Bike Station and TIE are holding a familiarisation/training session for cycling near and across tramlines on Sunday 13th.


Spokes Sunday Bikes Rides

First Sunday of every month (Except if the First Sunday is January 1st, then the ride will take place a week later, on January 8th). Meet at 10am, at the Usher Hall, Lothian Road.

Free guided bike rides along cycles paths and quiet roads to destinations in The Lothians, Fife or The Borders. Come along […]