June 2024

City Centre Transformation, the proposals … June 14 #SpokesMtg

We hope (and expect?) that the Transformation proposals (to be announced in mid-May) will mark a major change of the city centre and its approaches, to a much more pedestrian and bike-friendly place. Our June 14 public meeting will hear the details and early reactions – and give you a chance to have […]

#SpokesMtg: Climate/Transport/Cycling

Some main points to emerge from our 110-strong public meeting…

The climate is in crisis and action is urgent The crisis embodies many inequities, with greater impacts likely on the young and on poorer people and poorer countries – i.e. those least responsible for causing the crisis Transport is the biggest, and growing, contributor to […]

#SpokesMtg … Diversity & Opportunity

Growing opportunities enabling more and more categories of people to get about by bike were a top feature of our ‘Diversity Rules’ public meeting …


Leith Street Limbo

Leith Street has reopened to traffic [1, 2] after its 10-month upgrade. But for all the hype about improvements, and there are indeed some welcome improvements, it remains basically the same – multiple lanes of mixed traffic, cyclists travelling uphill surrounded by lorries, cars and buses; and heavily-used footways which at the top are […]

#SpokesMtg: City Centre Transformation

It is time for both Edinburgh and Glasgow Councils to create people-friendly central areas, including major restrictions on motor traffic – and both cities intend to do so. This was the main theme to emerge from our 100-strong June 13 public meeting, addressed by top decision-makers from both cities.


7-4 decisions on West-East route & road resurfacing policy

Edinburgh City Council’s June 20 Transport & Environment Committee has moved the CCWEL project on to the next stage and agreed some small but useful improvements to resurfacing policy – both by 7-4 votes, opposed by Conservatives and Lib Dems.


Spokes Bike Breakfast 2018 : Bike use at tipping point?

Another hugely enjoyable Bike Breakfast for the many people who came along on their way to work – but with a serious message for the politicians.



Jump to sections Spokes cargobike support grants for organisations Spokes cargobike support grants for households Info about cargobikes, including local advice/tryouts Spokes posts & events relevant to cargobikes Pictures and reports from some spokes-supported cargobikes See also our e-bike page, with our Why E-bike?  factsheet

Spokes is keen to see more cargobikes in Edinburgh […]

Regional 🚲 perspective is vital – #SpokesMtg

Councils in the Lothians are keen to grow bike use, but face similar problems of budget cuts, extensive new greenfield housing, scary A- and B-roads, and inadequate funding and coordination on cross-boundary cycleroutes. These were top messages from our packed-out public meeting on cycling plans in Edinburgh and the Lothians.


No-way and 1-way problems top our Low-Cost competition

30.9.17 Latest: Transport Cttee motion by Cllr Chas Booth asking for competition entries to be followed up by the Council Localities. See item 9.1 in the agenda and item 23 here in the approved minutes of the 5.10.17 Committee. 28.2.19 Committee report on action by the Localities – see appendix to the 28.2.19 Business Bulletin. […]