June 2024

Seeing double !! .. video video

If you missed the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland protest, seeking to double Scottish Government cycling/walking investment in the 2014/15 budget, you missed a great event! See the video …


Cash for Scotland + Leith Walk

It is now clear that the £10m announced in the draft 14/15 budget is genuinely additional cycling investment. And up to £3.6m of the new money goes to turning the Leith Walk revamp into an “exemplar” project to boost cycling and walking. [Article updated 26.9.13 with SCCS campaign] …


Budget bewilderment

The Scottish Government’s draft budget seems likely to increase cycling investment in 2014/15, a very welcome development, albeit that it will still be far below what is needed to reach the government’s own 2020 cycle-use ambitions. However, the budget details are hugely obscure, and only after further announcements will greater clarity, hopefully, emerge.


Brilliant Bike Breakfast

This year’s June 19 Spokes Bike Breakfast was the best so far, with record numbers [sadly, breakfasts ran out before all were fed!] …


Cars down, bravery not yet up

The Spokes Spring Public Meeting on 8 April heard a challenging message to politicians from Scottish transport expert Prof Iain Docherty, followed by pleas from Jim Eadie MSP and Cllr Jim Orr for maximum public backing to help achieve greater investment and tougher policies to encourage more people to get about by bike …


Future of Local Transport: Spokes Spring public meeting

[Latest!! There’s a preview of our public meeting in the new 3.4.13 Spokesworker] Cycling as a form of transport needs to be seen in the wider context of local transport as a whole, and at our meeting on Monday 8 April Professor Iain Docherty will set the context by describing current trends and policies […]

Quick chance for cycling investment

There’s a short window of opportunity to gain a modest one-off boost to Scottish cycling investment. We’ve also got a great idea how the money could be used. Please send a quick email to your MSPs now…


Spokes Public Meeting: Future of Local Transport

Cycling as a form of transport needs to be seen in the wider context of local transport as a whole, and at our meeting on Monday 8 April Professor Iain Docherty will set the context by describing current trends and policies in local transport as a whole. Jim Eadie MSP will outline cycling developments at […]

Christmas Cheer!!

[Jan 3 update: How the £3.9m is being used Scotsman article Herald article] Two rather nice developments to end the year! One from Edinburgh City Council, one from the Scottish Government …


Scottish Budget 2013/14

[‘What happens next’ updated 25 Aug] Will the Scottish Government’s 2013/14 draft budget see sense on cycling investment and, more generally, on active travel? Spokes has submitted comments to the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee…
