July 2024

PoP phenomenal!

Pedal on Parliament exceeded all expectations, with a police estimate of 2500 people, and others suggesting 3000+


Pedal on Parliament

Spokes urges you to come along – with friends and family – to Pedal on Parliament on Saturday 28 April. Join the huge rally, along with round-the-world cyclist Mark Beaumont (on his shortest-ever bike ride!), Spokes members Alison Johnstone MSP (Green) and Ian Murray MP (Labour) and other supportive politicians such as Jim Eadie MSP […]

A90 path ‘disgrace’ to Scotland

Speaking in the March 29 Parliamentary debate on cycling [pdf 1.1MB] Fife Labour MSP Helen Eadie echoed a long-standing Spokes campaign, declaring in passionate tones, “The cycle path from Fife to Edinburgh is a disgrace.”


Scottish Budget improved!

A significant chunk of the severe cuts planned to active travel in the government’s original draft budget were reversed in the final version, approved by Parliament this week…


Budget change of heart ??

In advance of Wednesday’s final budget debate and vote, Finance Secretary John Swinney is “looking carefully” at “sustainable travel budgets” …


Spokes meets Transport Minister

Spokes and the Bike Station met Transport Minister Keith Brown MSP on February 1st to discuss cycling investment in Scotland…


Budget 2012-13 : SNP arguments

Spokes has prepared answers to SNP justifications of the government’s big cuts to cycling and walking investment in the draft 2012-13 budget, now being consulted on…


“I am aware of the rising number of cyclists in Edinburgh”

News of the Spokes traffic count has reached the Scottish Parliament, and the results have been praised by Transport Minister Keith Brown MSP…


A90 & Forth Bridge


Edinburgh to Forth Bridge – introduction Latest developments History of lobbying from 2004 to 2013

Second Forth Road Crossing

A90 cycleroute: Edinburgh to Forth Bridge, Fife and the North

Edinburgh to the Forth Bridge is probably the most important single stretch of non-urban cycleroute in Scotland, taking cycle tourists of all types from Scotland’s […]