July 2024

Public meeting: Tackling Road Danger

It is now widely accepted that quality bike infrastructure is a vital route to substantially more bike use and to further danger reduction, but most roads will still not have protected bike lanes in the near future – so how can danger be reduced in the existing road system?


Spokes 2017 Council Hustings – report

Our April 6 Hustings gave the 70 or so people who came along a great chance to interact with politicians from the 5 main parties standing for Edinburgh City Council …


Thu 4 May: Council Elections

Council elections are approaching and are critical to cycling and transport policies and budgets for the next 5 years. We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the election opportunity locally …


South Edinburgh

It is difficult to classify some projects by area..

This page is for areas South of the Grange/Morningside/KB area For Southside/Meadows/Grange/KB etc see our South Central page Check out other Edinburgh areas on this page For Midlothian (or other Lothians areas) see here The Sheriffhall saga has led to wider lobbying on trunk road […]

East Edinburgh

It is difficult to classify some projects e.g. are they North, East or West??  Check out other areas on this page For 2020 Covid/SfP-related schemes, see covid page For Spokes submissions on more general Edinburgh policy issues see this page.

2406 Seafield Regeneration / Council page / Consultation page / Seafield Masterplan stage 2, […]

Useful operational info

Materials for inclusion in documents, conference applications, etc

Spokes logo – colour pdf B/W pdf colour jpg B/W jpg Notes…

If the logo is being printed at a very large size, the pdf will remain completely sharp whereas the edges of the jpg may get a bit grainy The colours of the jpg seem slightly […]

Thu 5 May 2016: Holyrood Election

The Holyrood election is approaching and is critical to cycling/transport policies/budgets for the next 5 years. We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the opportunity in Edinburgh and the Lothians …


Budget blow to walk & cycle

With no changes in the finalised budget, the Scottish Government has set the ground for a retreat on walking and cycling by Councils across the country…


Bike Space on ScotRail trains

Many central-Scotland trains, including Edinburgh-Glasgow main line, are to be replaced by new electric trains. Are you concerned about bike space in the new trains??




Spokes has a YouTube video channel at www.youtube.com/spokesvideos.  Most of the central Spokes videos are also on that channel Videos of Spokes Public Meetings are on our public meetings page (also can find via the above YouTube channel) The left-hand column below is the video’s year of publication.

2022 Maisie’s cycling happiness – […]