July 2024

“We are happy to welcome bikes”

Edinburgh Trams is the first UK company, and Edinburgh City the first UK Council, to agree to permanent bike carriage on regular tram services* …


Bus lanes: 150 objections rejected

Edinburgh’s Transport and Environment Committee has decided to go ahead with its peaktime-only bus lanes 18-month experiment, despite 150 objections from concerned individuals and organisations.


Road policing

This page includes press articles/letters and other info which may be useful to reference or quote.

See also our pages on Bike crashes, Bike security and Considerate cycling See also our motorist awareness ‘Bike Alert‘ leaflet and video, on this page See also the RoadShare campaign for presumed liability in Scotland

2103 Parking enforcement – […]

Bikes on Trams – a UK First

[June 30 update – Bikes on Trams now permanent] [May 27 update – bike trial continues in June] Bikes will be carried on off-peak regular tram services in Edinburgh in May – a UK first for Edinburgh Council and for Edinburgh Trams!!



Selected letters and submissions to the Scottish Government, MSPs, and other national bodies.  There are also many useful submissions from Sustrans Scotland and Transform Scotland.

Sheriffhall roundabout – for specifics, see our South Edinburgh page, but see below [1706] for general trunk road issues raised by this Permitted development rights (PDR) for front-garden sheds/containers […]

UK General Election 2015

Information and links to help you decide…


Bus lane cuts: what you say

We now know of many people who have objected to the Council’s plans to scrap bus lane operation all day Saturdays and off-peak on weekdays. If you don’t like it either, please join them! …


No new cycling cash!

The government’s first ever active travel debate brings no new initiatives and no new cash! Why was this debate called?


Santa visits 11 Schools [not by car!]

Eleven Edinburgh schools are getting a great Christmas present, with cars to be banned in adjacent streets at opening and closing times. Another 20 schools wrote to Santa, but sadly missed out this year…


Nov 20: Lothians Cycling Development

All the Lothians Councils are gearing up for our public meeting this Thursday!
