July 2024

20mph: Have Your Say by 17 Oct!!

Edinburgh Council is consulting on one of the most ambitious 20mph plans of any UK city. But the plans risk being cut back. You can help ensure they get through – and are improved further …


Edinburgh Bus Lane Retreat

[Update: The Council’s plans also include allowing cars/lorries into bus lanes all day on Saturdays]

Despite its policies to boost bus and cycle use – policies which are succeeding – Edinburgh Council is to experiment with bus lane changes which benefit private motor traffic at the expense of cycling and bus…


Fortress Waverley

Update 16.10.14: Fortress Waverley raised in UK Parliament by Mark Lazarowicz MP [2.23pm->] [quote is below] Update 15.8.14: Network Rail letter to Mark Lazarowicz MP. Network Rail may reconsider delivery arrangements, but no timescale. So – ask your MSPs when!! Find them at www.writetothem.com Update 10.7.14: Our story hits The Guardian – bike blog

Spokes […]

Hot breakfast!

Even the sun visited this year’s June 18 Spokes Bike Breakfast – with another great turnout and lots of appreciative comments…


Facts on our roads as they are today

Cyclists do get fined, not just motorists The majority of motorists sometimes behave dangerously Cars are by far the greatest danger to pedestrians More facts in Spokes Bulletin 118, out March 1st… […]

Cycling fatalities, Scotland

Starting 2014 we hope to list all cycling fatalities in Scotland.

Thanks to @PrimlyStable on twitter for the idea. Some of the information may be copied from his How Many is Too Many? UK-wide coverage.

Data on the types of roads where fatalities are most likely to occur can be found on page 5 of […]

Independent of Cycling?

What vision does the Independence White Paper promise for transport – and for cycling and walking in particular? …


Policing Plan + Spokesworker

November sees drop-in police consultation events around the city to gather ideas and comments for Edinburgh Local Policing Plan 2014-17…


Tramline Traumas

In the first 2 days after Haymarket area was reopened to traffic we heard of 4 cyclist tramline crashes, three involving minor injury and bike damage, and one with no injury, but which was video’d. Crashes continue with dreadful frequency. Why is this happening, and what is your safest route?…


Towards 2020!!

With the likelihood of additional Scottish Government cycling investment Spokes has issued a discussion paper on how cycling infrastructure investment could be implemented in the period up to 2020…
