June 2024

Onstreet storage – survey results

Results from the Spokes online survey about on-street bike storage facilities are now available…


Spokes flats/tenements Bike Storage fact-sheet

The much-anticipated Spokes fact-sheet and product database on residential bike storage are now available…


Bike storage offer [ends 17 Jan]

There’s an opportunity to buy bike racks and other storage equipment at reduced cost – but you must order by 17 January.


Bike storage not needed in most houses? – respond by 24 Dec.

A Scottish Government consultation on ‘Sustainability Labelling’ would allow developers to gain bronze and silver awards for new flats and houses with no bike storage…


Public Meeting: Tackling Bike Storage [updated 21 Oct]

The Spokes autumn public meeting on November 25 discusses the Spokes tenements bike storage project – and how to move forward with practical bike storage improvements at home and at work.


Spokes tenements storage survey

“No storage facilities in flat, and would be unable to keep in the stair. Would love to have a bike!”


Railway path attacks [updated 8 & 14 Oct]

A cyclist has been injured on the Davidson’s Mains path by children who dropped a tree sapling or branch on her from the footbridge between Silverknowes Neuk and House o’ Hill Avenue.


Spokes Tenements Bike Parking Project

The Spokes CCF-funded project to produce comprehensive materials on living with a bike in a flat or tenement is underway…


Spokes Bike Breakfast – 23 June

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be on between 8-10am on 23 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


Police action on cycle theft

Lothian and Borders Police are promoting a cycle marking scheme to improve cycle security….
