June 2024

Picardy final proposals

[23.1.18 update: Our pre-Committee letter to Councillors]

Following the December consultation, the Council has released its final proposals. The gyratory remains, but, within that context, there are major improvements for cycling and walking.


Outlook for 🚲 in 2018 Edinburgh

Cycle infrastructure progress in 2018 Edinburgh looks set to be somewhat frustrating, with an ambitious bike share scheme and several modest cycle schemes, but no physical work yet on the ‘big 3’ flagship infrastructure projects.


Transforming the City Centre, Picardy and Leith Street

Latest 6.12.17: ‘Picardy Group’ set up to oppose the Picardy Place gyratory plan. Manifesto Broughton Spurtle article

It is not widely realised that Edinburgh City Council has begun internal discussions on a potential major ‘Transformation’ of the City Centre…


Traffic count: highest ever Nov bike %, despite extra diverted cars

Our November traffic count, averaged over our 4 regular count points, found bikes forming 16.5% of all vehicles – our highest ever November percentage, just over last year’s 16.4%. Bikes comprised 22.9% of all citybound vehicles (the highest ever) and 8.2% southbound (down slightly from 8.9% last year).


Regional 🚲 perspective is vital – #SpokesMtg

Councils in the Lothians are keen to grow bike use, but face similar problems of budget cuts, extensive new greenfield housing, scary A- and B-roads, and inadequate funding and coordination on cross-boundary cycleroutes. These were top messages from our packed-out public meeting on cycling plans in Edinburgh and the Lothians.


Cycling Plans in the New Councils – November 9 Public Meeting

New Edinburgh and Lothians Councils were elected in May 2017. Now that they have settled in, what are their plans and policies for cycling as transport? Find out and ask your questions at our public meeting on Thursday 9 November…


George Street – Festival bike route

Spokes has had a series of useful discussions with the organisers, Essential Edinburgh, over maintaining the George Street cycleroute during the Festival.


Top 2016 Tweets – what and why

Below are the most popular Spokes tweets from the last 12 months, measured by the number of retweets (RTs). A truly fascinating picture!!


East-West Route : it’s Option A at Roseburn!!

All parties on Edinburgh City Council have agreed the direct, main-road, cycleroute at Roseburn, rather than the Option B back-street alternative.


East-West Central Edinburgh Cycle Route: yes and maybe

At the August 30 Edinburgh Council Transport Committee every political party supported the Council’s planned East-West City Centre cycleroute – but a decision between options A and B at the controversial Roseburn section was deferred and delegated…
