June 2024

Bike Sheds – need to know!

Early experience with use of the Spokes factsheet about bike sheds shows that many people do not realise that sheds in front gardens have to be of relatively modest proportions and acceptable to the Council’s Planning Department…


Scotland Bike/Rail – the future

Spokes has written to the five companies intending to bid to run the ScotRail franchise …


PANs and PAs [not pandas!]

The Spokes website has successfully given birth to a new page (two, in fact) ! …


Spokes Bulletin 117

Out now! … Government cycling cash; Garden storage victory ; Spokes annual cycling investment survey; Stop Climate Chaos supplement; Great Spokes maps offer; and loads more…


Spokes Gardens Bike Storage factsheet now in use

The Spokes factsheet on bike storage in gardens has been deemed ‘appropriate’ by Edinburgh Council’s Planning Committee and will now be referenced in the Council’s Planning Guidance to Householders…


CAPS Refresh : Spokes view

Responding to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland, Spokes calls for political leadership and adequate funding if the government is to move towards its own 2020 target of 10% of trips to be by bike…


Christmas Cheer!!

[Jan 3 update: How the £3.9m is being used Scotsman article Herald article] Two rather nice developments to end the year! One from Edinburgh City Council, one from the Scottish Government …


Spokes Bulletin 114

Out now! – the latest on Scottish cycle policy & funding, Edinburgh council projects 2012 & 2013, new shared paths flyer, facts & theories on bike use & safety,…


Bike Shed Bans

[Update 20 December: Breakthrough on garden bike storage see Dec 19 news item]. Different sections of Edinburgh Council are pursuing policies which conflict with each other, and Spokes is asking for a compromise so that cycling policies don’t lose out…


Bike-Rail Toolkit + conference

The Association of Train Operating Companies [ATOC] has published an exciting new 60-page ‘toolkit’ on how to greatly improve bike-rail integration, so as to make bike-rail a true ‘end-to-end’ journey from home to destination…
