June 2024

Bike/rail in Scotland: the Future : urgent!

You have until Monday 20 Feb to submit comments on the future of rail – including bike/rail – in the Transport Scotland Rail 2014 Consultation…


Onstreet overnight bike parking

Edinburgh Council has unveiled its pilot scheme to install overnight bike parking in tenemental and other areas where bikes cannot be stored indoors. If interested for your area, apply by 9 December.


Bus station bike lockers

Edinburgh Council has installed 4 bike lockers at St Andrews Square bus station. If successful, numbers are likely to be expanded and lockers installed elsewhere…


Bike Storage: printed factsheet + feedback/news wanted

The new Spokes printed factsheet on domestic bike storage is now available [free] to interested individuals and groups…


Edinburgh City Centre survey: now open to 14 March

Edinburgh’s City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership [ECCNP] is developing a new ‘community plan’ for the area, and seeks the views of anyone who “lives, works, studies in, or visits, the city centre” …


Bike storage may be needed after all!

Following submissions by Spokes and several individuals, the Scottish government has accepted that its proposed bronze/ silver/ gold standards for sustainable buildings may be too weak on bike storage and need reconsidered. Thank you if you made comments to the consultation!


Onstreet storage – survey results

Results from the Spokes online survey about on-street bike storage facilities are now available…


Spokes flats/tenements Bike Storage fact-sheet

The much-anticipated Spokes fact-sheet and product database on residential bike storage are now available…


Bike storage offer [ends 17 Jan]

There’s an opportunity to buy bike racks and other storage equipment at reduced cost – but you must order by 17 January.


Bike storage not needed in most houses? – respond by 24 Dec.

A Scottish Government consultation on ‘Sustainability Labelling’ would allow developers to gain bronze and silver awards for new flats and houses with no bike storage…
