June 2024

Are cyclists buses or taxis?

Spokes has submitted its comments on the Council’s plans for the future of Princes Street and George Street…


Princes Street petition

Spokes is calling for Princes Street, Scotland’s premier street, to be made pedestrian-friendly, cycle-friendly, and a truly great place to move around, relax, shop, eat and enjoy in peace and safety. Please sign our petition – see link below!!


Bus station bike lockers

Edinburgh Council has installed 4 bike lockers at St Andrews Square bus station. If successful, numbers are likely to be expanded and lockers installed elsewhere…


Cyclists & Lothian Buses: audio documentary

Sound artist Emma Quayle has created and donated to Spokes an audio documentary highlighting the efforts of Lothian Buses to create greater understanding of bus/cyclist interaction…


Cyclists and Lothian Buses

With cyclist crashes on Princes Street tramlines continuing at around 2-3 a month known to Spokes (and presumably others not known) a number of victims have complimented Lothian Buses drivers on their awareness of the problems and their prompt action…


The Big Example

Anyone organising a big event at a potentially car-based site could learn a great lesson in terms of encouraging sustainable access from The Big Tent environment festival on July 23-25 in Fife.

Bulletin 106 – Cycling investment falling

Cycling investment across Scotland risks falling in every year of office of the SNP government – but there are positive signs at Edinburgh Council.


Tramline tribulations, advice & documents

Following the re-opening of Princes Street, quite a few cyclists are known to have come off due to skidding on tramlines or getting wheels trapped in them.


Spokes Public Meetings

There’s now a downloads page under the above downloads tab with links to reports of the last 6 Spokes public meetings.


Cycling and tramlines – training session Sun 13

The Bike Station and TIE are holding a familiarisation/training session for cycling near and across tramlines on Sunday 13th.
