June 2024

Spokes Summer mailing

Spokes Bulletin 113 is hitting the doorsteps of all Spokes members, 1200 decision-makers across Scotland, and countless other cyclists and interested individuals (well, to be a little more precise, around 13,000 for this issue!)


Future Transport Fund

The new Future Transport Fund, announced in the draft budget, was fleshed out somewhat today by Transport Minister Keith Brown – but does not redress the Scottish Government’s drastic cuts to active travel investment.


Budget protest: photos & report

Around 350 people turned up for the budget protest today – an inspiring gathering of highly motivated citizens…


Budget: MSPs support Spokes

In a report on the draft 2012-13 Scottish budget, MSPs from all parties, including the ruling SNP, have forcefully endorsed the outcry from numerous individuals and organisations over the severe proposed cuts to active travel. The cuts come alongside a £100m rise in trunk road spending – a trunk roads increase which is more […]

Budget update: cheeky reply

Much lobbying is happening over the disastrous Scottish draft budget 2012-13, now out for consultation. If you are unhappy please email your MSPs.


Draft Scottish Budget – Spokes submission

Spokes has published its formal submission on the draft Scottish budget. The budget, which is now up for consultation, is every bit as bad for active travel as we feared in our initial impressions.


Draft Scottish Budget savages SNP manifesto

Despite a promise in the SNP manifesto to “increase the proportion of transport spending on … active and sustainable travel” the draft budget looks set to slash investment in cycling and walking – alongside a huge increase in trunk roads spending.


Scottish Budget 2012-13

The new Scottish SNP-majority government is now putting together its first budget. There are some very hopeful signs and some very worrying signs. Please help us ensure that the transport section of the budget invests properly in cycling as a form of transport, for the sake of public health, the environment, the economy … and […]

Cycling in the Holyrood Manifestos

What is promised for cycling in party manifestos for the May 5th Holyrood elections?? Read on…


Spokes 2011/12 budget submission

Spokes has submitted a response to the draft Scottish budget. Now we need your help in contacting your MSPs in support…
