June 2024

Spokes Bulletin 136 – year 2020 and beyond

The Spring Spokes Bulletin asks what concrete actions to boost cycle use we’ll see in Edinburgh in year 2020, and what the plans and intentions are between now and 2030?

At Scottish level, what do the experts say on the relationship between transport and climate? – and is the Scottish Government listening? – […]

Spokes Bulletin 135 – targets v. actions

The Scottish Government has set bold climate targets, but these must be matched by bold actions – particularly on transport, Scotland’s biggest emissions source.


#SpokesMtg report – City Centre Transformation

Latest: Spokes response to the Transformation Proposals consultation.

Almost every one of the 110 chairs was filled at our public meeting on Edinburgh Council’s City Centre Transformation Proposals.

Top theme to emerge from the talks and the hour-long discussion was that the proposals are encouraging and bold – but that they involve a […]

Yes, it’s a Transformation!

Latest: Spokes Bulletin 134 now out, with special features on the Transformation.

Edinburgh City Council’s long-awaited City Centre Transformation proposals have been published and, perhaps almost unbelievably, they do seem to live up to their name. The Council, and particularly project leader Daisy Narayanan and Transport Convener Cllr Lesley Macinnes, deserve huge […]

Picardy final proposals

[23.1.18 update: Our pre-Committee letter to Councillors]

Following the December consultation, the Council has released its final proposals. The gyratory remains, but, within that context, there are major improvements for cycling and walking.


Picardy re-think ??

Aug 16 latest: Excellent Picardy Place article by Broughton Spurtle. Following a joint deputation by Spokes and Living Streets, and a motion by Cllr Chas Booth, Edinburgh Council has unanimously agreed a public consultation on the future of Picardy Place …


Spokes Spring Public Meeting: the Bicycle in the City Centre

The Spokes Spring public meeting on Thurs 26 March will discuss the future of Edinburgh city centre – particularly Princes Street / George Street – and the role of the bicycle there. Our headline speaker is Cllr Lesley Hinds, Convener of Edinburgh City’s Transport Committee.


Leith Street cycling future – or not?

The cycling future of Leith Street is up for grabs in the St James Quarter proposals. A segregated cycleroute up from Picardy Place will end at Calton Road, with no connection to Princes Street…
