July 2024

Spokes Bulletin 118

Out now! … Edinburgh progress in sustainable transport; Preventing Haymarket tramline crashes; Transport & Planning: failure in joined-up thinking; Council Local Transport Strategy supplement; Everyday bike use pictures; and loads more…


Pedal on Parliament 2014

PoP2014 is as important as ever, and needs you ! …


Independent of Cycling?

What vision does the Independence White Paper promise for transport – and for cycling and walking in particular? …


Seeing double !! .. video video

If you missed the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland protest, seeking to double Scottish Government cycling/walking investment in the 2014/15 budget, you missed a great event! See the video …


Spokes Bulletin 117

Out now! … Government cycling cash; Garden storage victory ; Spokes annual cycling investment survey; Stop Climate Chaos supplement; Great Spokes maps offer; and loads more…


Oct 30: Come along to double the Budget!

Hundreds of people will gather outside the St Andrews House government offices at 1.00-1.30pm on Weds 30 October to call on Finance Secretary John Swinney MSP, the man in charge of the 2014/15 Scottish budget, to double investment in walking and cycling. Be there!! …


Cycling Investment: Spokes Autumn Public Mtg – 19 Nov

The Scottish Government has announced a welcome increase in cycling investment in the 14/15 draft budget – but funding drops again in 15/16 and in any case is nowhere near enough to meet the government’s own ambition for 10% of all journeys in Scotland to be by bike by 2020…

Latest!! Competition prizewinning photos/captions Cycling […]

Cash for Scotland + Leith Walk

It is now clear that the £10m announced in the draft 14/15 budget is genuinely additional cycling investment. And up to £3.6m of the new money goes to turning the Leith Walk revamp into an “exemplar” project to boost cycling and walking. [Article updated 26.9.13 with SCCS campaign] …


Towards 2020!!

With the likelihood of additional Scottish Government cycling investment Spokes has issued a discussion paper on how cycling infrastructure investment could be implemented in the period up to 2020…


Budget bewilderment

The Scottish Government’s draft budget seems likely to increase cycling investment in 2014/15, a very welcome development, albeit that it will still be far below what is needed to reach the government’s own 2020 cycle-use ambitions. However, the budget details are hugely obscure, and only after further announcements will greater clarity, hopefully, emerge.
