July 2024

Cycling in the Holyrood Manifestos

What is promised for cycling in party manifestos for the May 5th Holyrood elections?? Read on…


Bulletin 109: transport spending out of kilter

Without a major change of policy after May’s Holyrood election, the Scottish Government will fail to meet its praiseworthy and potentially achievable target for 10% of trips to be by bike in 2020…


A90 path to QF and the North

Work has just started on phase 1 of this long-overdue route, vital for commuters, tourists and day-trippers…


Spokes Holyrood Hustings 23 March

The Spokes Spring Public Meeting will be a hustings for the May 5th Holyrood elections – with an exciting line-up of speakers, and a new format to enable maximum testing of and engagement with each candidate!!


Delivery of Public Services

Spokes has responded to the call for evidence by the Scottish Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services…


Manifestos and Budget – latest

Now is your final chance to influence party manifestos for the Holyrood elections on 5 May, and the Scottish budget for 2011-12, both of which will have a major impact on what happens to cycling conditions and promotion in the next few years …


Contact MSPs!! – Spokesworker 30.12.10 [updated 19 Jan]

Several major decisions on future funding for cycling will be taken in the next few weeks. You can help!! – please contact your MSPs …


Spokes 2011/12 budget submission

Spokes has submitted a response to the draft Scottish budget. Now we need your help in contacting your MSPs in support…


Budget 2011/12 disaster?? – Spokesworker 24.11.10

The Scottish draft budget announced on November 17 threatens cycling investment in Edinburgh and across Scotland – but the position is unclear and lobbying is vital …


Bulletin 108 : Cycle funds up in 10/11

The autumn Spokes Bulletin shows a recovery in Scottish cycling investment in 2010/11, almost to its previous high – but there are fears for 2011/12 and beyond…
