July 2024

Holyrood Elections – act now!!

May 2011 sees elections to the Scottish Parliament, for the 4 years to 2015. Scottish environmental organisations are trying to influence party manifestos – and you can help!!


“the most detailed and comprehensive …”

The Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) has just published a new briefing paper, Cycling in Scotland: Update 2010. […]

CEC Active Travel Action Plan

Edinburgh Council’s Active Travel Action Plan [ATAP], incorporating the Cycling Action Plan, has been finalised and agreed by the Council’s Transport Committee.


Spokesworker 21 July 2010

The latest Spokesworker has loads of news and things to do…


Open Spaces Strategy: Spokesworkers 21.3.10 & 20.4.10

[updated 21.4.10] Edinburgh Council is consulting on its Open Spaces Draft Strategy from March 26 to May 21. It includes some great ideas, but could include more! …


Bulletin 106 – Cycling investment falling

Cycling investment across Scotland risks falling in every year of office of the SNP government – but there are positive signs at Edinburgh Council.


Scottish Budget 2010-11: nearing the end

The Budget Bill will be debated in the Scottish Parliament on Jan 20, and a final vote is expected on 4 February.


Spokesworker 28.12.09

The new Spokesworker contains fascinating data about coloured surfacing in Edinburgh, more on Princes Street, a project to boost green commuting at local workplaces (yours?) and more …


Scottish Budget 2010-11: no progress yet

There is no sign of the Scottish Government paying attention to the recommendations of the all-party Parliamentary Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee.


Scottish draft budget 2010-11: a step forward!

We are one step closer to more realistic cycling investment, thanks to the Parliament’s all-party Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee [TICC]. Last year Scottish Government Ministers ignored their recommendations. Your emails to MSPs are vital right now to stop the same happening this year.
