June 2024

Emergency CovidStreets cash, Scotland v England

Stop Press 26 May: Scot Gov trebles the £10m ‘covidstreets’ fund to £30m – as we predicted below (end of The Cash para) – and for the reasons we gave!

Both governments have allocated cash for councils to install pop-up low-cost measures – cycle lanes, road closures, wider footways etc. The aims are […]

Scottish Budget 20/21

A deal has been struck between the Greens and SNP to get the budget through Parliament. The deal is a significant improvement on the draft budget in terms of transport, including some interesting detailed points as well as the headline changes.


Spokes Bulletin 136 – year 2020 and beyond

The Spring Spokes Bulletin asks what concrete actions to boost cycle use we’ll see in Edinburgh in year 2020, and what the plans and intentions are between now and 2030?

At Scottish level, what do the experts say on the relationship between transport and climate? – and is the Scottish Government listening? – […]

Spokes Bulletin 135 – targets v. actions

The Scottish Government has set bold climate targets, but these must be matched by bold actions – particularly on transport, Scotland’s biggest emissions source.


Outlook for 🚲 in 2019 – Edinburgh & Scotland

After a ‘hiatus 2018‘ for active travel in Edinburgh, 2019 looks set to be either the most momentous – or the most disappointing – of recent years. At Scottish level, the welcome doubling of active travel cash from 2018/19 onwards will start to be reflected on the ground in many towns and cities – but […]

#SpokesMtg … Diversity & Opportunity

Growing opportunities enabling more and more categories of people to get about by bike were a top feature of our ‘Diversity Rules’ public meeting …


#SpokesMtg: City Centre Transformation

It is time for both Edinburgh and Glasgow Councils to create people-friendly central areas, including major restrictions on motor traffic – and both cities intend to do so. This was the main theme to emerge from our 100-strong June 13 public meeting, addressed by top decision-makers from both cities.


Spokes Bulletin 131 … Edinburgh’s cycling future

Our Summer 2018 Bulletin is out … with new research on why Edinburgh has outstripped the rest of Scotland in boosting cycle use, but hints that this may be slowing. Will the City Centre Transformation, Bike Share scheme, and other big projects be implemented boldly enough to ensure continued momentum? And, of course there’s loads […]


Another great Pedal on Parliament has been pedalled, walked and scooted!


Inactive Travel?

Spokes has written to Edinburgh City’s Transport Convener, Cllr Lesley Macinnes, about the extensive and lengthening delays in implementing planned cycle and walking projects, many of which are now on hold.
