July 2024

Scottish Budget – what MSPs say

Following our original article on the 16/17 draft budget, calling for 1% of the 16/17 trunk road budget line to be transferred to cycling and walking, members started contacting MSPs. Some MSP replies are now being forwarded to us…


Scottish Budget – what you say

Following our article on the draft budget, calling for 1% of the 16/17 trunk road budget line to be transferred to cycling and walking, a few people have started copying us emails they have sent to their MSPs…


Scottish Budget: a realistic proposal

Spokes has written to the Scottish Parliament Infrastructure Committee suggesting a politically realistic option for preventing damage to Council cycling budgets in 2016/17. If you agree, please contact your MSPs in support…


Scottish Budget : councils’ cycling hit

The Scottish budget 2016/17 promises that active travel cash will be at or just below its 2015/16 level. Further investigation, however, suggests that the budget’s impact on local council cycling provision could be significantly worse than the overall figure suggests.


Budget – roads ↑↑ rail ↓ cycling/walking static or ↓ish

The draft Scottish Budget 2016-17, coming right after the Paris Climate Summit, continues and worsens the Scottish Government’s unsustainable transport policies. Trunk road spending rises hugely, rail is cut, whilst cycling/walking investment looks if anything slightly down on 15-16, and again falls below 2% of total transport spending.


Spokes Holyrood Hustings 2016

As our Spring Public Meeting, Spokes will hold a 2016 Holyrood election hustings on Monday 21 March, to discuss cycling issues…


Public mtg calls for Fairer Funding

Two main themes ran through our Nov 17 Climate/Transport/Cycling public meeting – the need for fairer funding, and the importance of concerned individuals (such as you?) being pro-active in making friends, colleagues and politicians more aware of climate and transport issues, and their interaction…


Spokes Bulletin 123: Edinburgh 11.8% cycle commuting

Out now!! Including: Scottish Household Survey confirms Edinburgh cycling/transport successes, though there’s still far to go. Climate, transport & cycling special issue + many local and national issues … Read on!! … […]

Cycling cash 15/16 highest ever (just!)

Scottish Transport Minister Derek Mackay MSP has announced an additional £3.3m for active travel (mainly infrastructure) this financial year, bringing the total to nearly £40m, roughly 1.9% of total transport spending.


Scotland Cycling Cash Uncertainty

Officers responsible for cycling projects in councils around Scotland beg every year for certainty and clarity about what funding will be available in future years, so they can plan sensibly. But certainty and clarity are looking increasingly unlikely for next financial year, 2016/17…
