July 2024

#SpokesBB 2017 : Council to be “most cycle-friendly” in Edinburgh’s history

Speaking at Spokes’s 2017 Bike Breakfast, Cllr Adam McVey, incoming Council Leader, said the new Council would be the most cycle-friendly in Edinburgh’s history…


Tramline tragedies

[Later: 9.6.17 Article from Local Transport Today fortnightly magazine for transport professionals]

The tragic death of Edinburgh University medical student Zhi Min Soh at the West End junction has highlighted the dangers of tramlines and of that junction for people getting around by bike.


Spokes Bulletin 128 … Edinburgh 10% cycle budget safe

Our Summer 2017 Bulletin is out … highlighting the Edinburgh Council election result which should guarantee the city’s UK-unique cycle budget policy … our traffic counts showing a 10-year car decline & bike growth in the city centre peak period … Spokes is 40 this autumn!! … and, of course, there’s much more … read […]

Again … Bikes ↑↑ Cars ↓↓ … a great legacy for the new council !!

Our May traffic count, averaged over our 4 regular count points, found bikes forming 19.1% of all vehicles – the highest ever percentage. Bikes comprised more than 1 in 4 of citybound vehicles (26.6%) and exactly 1 in 10 southbound. The total number of bikes rose by 7.2% compared to May 2016. Latest: Scotsman […]

Sheriffhall – ScotGov plans worst for cycling

Spokes has written to Transport Minister Humza Yousaf MSP asking for a pedestrian/cycle overbridge at Sheriffhall. Of the three roundabout options that were under consideration, the government’s recently announced ‘preferred option’ is the worst choice as far as safe and attractive cycling is concerned.


Council election manifestos analysis

With the main party manifestos for Edinburgh’s May 4th Council elections now published, Spokes has assessed their support for cycling as an everyday form of transport…


Spokes 2017 Council Hustings – report

Our April 6 Hustings gave the 70 or so people who came along a great chance to interact with politicians from the 5 main parties standing for Edinburgh City Council …


Thu 4 May: Council Elections

Council elections are approaching and are critical to cycling and transport policies and budgets for the next 5 years. We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the election opportunity locally …


Spokes Bulletin 127 … a tale of two budgets

Our Spring 2017 issue, out now… highlighting Edinburgh City Council’s unique-in-UK allocation of 10% of the transport budget to cycling, contrasting with the Scottish Government’s fall to 1.6% thanks to ever-rising trunk road cash … And, of course, there’s much more … read on!! … […]

Spokes Council Hustings, 6 April

On May 4th this year, every Council in Scotland will be re-elected. Our Spring Public Meeting on 6th April will be an election hustings for Edinburgh Council…
