July 2024

The mystery/history 500,000th bike ride!

If our November cycle count day was wet, November 13 was wetter – and windier. Yet there were nearly 1500 bike rides past the Meadows public counter – including, at around 7pm, the 500,000th of 2015!!


Cycling (and driving) in the rain

Our November traffic count encountered the dreichest day of any count, and bike use fell 11% from last year’s dry and mild November count. But cyclists didn’t jump into a car … indeed, car use fell 7% to its lowest ever November figure …


Spokes Bulletin 123: Edinburgh 11.8% cycle commuting

Out now!! Including: Scottish Household Survey confirms Edinburgh cycling/transport successes, though there’s still far to go. Climate, transport & cycling special issue + many local and national issues … Read on!! … […]

Competition: East Lothian triumph!!

The pleasures of East Lothian cycling beat all others in our summer competition, My Favourite Bike Ride, with first prize awarded to Dunbar resident and Spokes member, Mark James…


Waverley Welcome

From Fortress Waverley to Welcoming Waverley! Spokes congratulates Network Rail on its change of heart, to allow cycle access from Waverley Bridge, thus also removing pushed-bikes from the congested pedestrian footway…


“We are happy to welcome bikes”

Edinburgh Trams is the first UK company, and Edinburgh City the first UK Council, to agree to permanent bike carriage on regular tram services* …


Great 2015 SpokesBB. Next year #SpokesBB!!

Despite a damp June 17, there was a great turnout and lots of appreciative comment at our 2015 Spokes Bike Breakfast.


Spokes Bulletin 122: Edinburgh tops UK with 10% cash promise

Out now!! Including – Edinburgh first UK council to promise 10% of transport budget for cycling … also first in UK to allow bikes on regular tram services … but spoiling reputation by scrapping offpeak and Saturday bus lanes … and much more … Read on!! …


Bus lanes: 150 objections rejected

Edinburgh’s Transport and Environment Committee has decided to go ahead with its peaktime-only bus lanes 18-month experiment, despite 150 objections from concerned individuals and organisations.


Glasgow 7-7-7 shows the way

Edinburgh Council Transport Committee is expected to decide on June 2nd whether to press on with its controversial proposal to cut weekday bus lane hours and scrap Saturday bus lanes entirely. We urge the Council either to scrap its plan or to postpone a decision and follow Glasgow’s example of first consulting on all the […]