July 2024

Spokes Bulletin 116

Out now! … Edinburgh to Forth Bridge – major path upgrade; Parking in bike lanes – hope for Edinburgh? ; Spokes big summer competition; Strict Liability supplement; and loads more… […]

Princes Street: visionary shock

Spokes strongly welcomes the City Council’s intention to make the City Centre a more European-style people-friendly place. While our first preference was a totally traffic-free Princes Street, we welcome the trial of the Council’s ‘Vision,’ which reduces traffic on Princes and George Streets – except in one vital respect. We are shocked that cycling will […]

PoP 2013: Sunday May 19

It’s just as important this year, and you are needed!!


‘Astounding’ comments by Sheriff

An Edinburgh man convicted of causing two separate cyclist deaths will be back on the roads in just 5 years, to the great concern of his last victim’s husband and everyone concerned with road safety. Comments by the sheriff have also shocked many and were branded by Edinburgh Council Leader Cllr Andrew Burns as “completely […]

Are cyclists buses or taxis?

Spokes has submitted its comments on the Council’s plans for the future of Princes Street and George Street…


The Good, the Bad or the Ugly??

What do Spokes members think about Princes Street, about tramlines and about Edinburgh City Council’s Quality Bike Corridor? Now we know …


Cars down, bravery not yet up

The Spokes Spring Public Meeting on 8 April heard a challenging message to politicians from Scottish transport expert Prof Iain Docherty, followed by pleas from Jim Eadie MSP and Cllr Jim Orr for maximum public backing to help achieve greater investment and tougher policies to encourage more people to get about by bike …


Future of Local Transport: Spokes Spring public meeting

[Latest!! There’s a preview of our public meeting in the new 3.4.13 Spokesworker] Cycling as a form of transport needs to be seen in the wider context of local transport as a whole, and at our meeting on Monday 8 April Professor Iain Docherty will set the context by describing current trends and policies […]

Princes Street 1-way bike ban?

Radical council proposals for the future of Princes Street and George Street appear to include a ban on cycling eastbound in Princes Street.


London v. Edinburgh

London’s Mayor, Boris Johnson, has introduced a remarkable new cycling policy, backed up by serious funding. How does this, and particularly the funding levels, compare to Edinburgh?
