July 2024

Spokes Bulletin 115

Out now! … Edinburgh Council budget 2013/14, Princes Street pedestrian/cyclist huge potential [Jan Gehl], two victories on garden bike shed removal orders, ‘everyday cycling’ pictures, and loads more…


London praises Edinburgh!

Edinburgh’s groundbreaking decision to allocate 5% [rising by 1% a year] of its transport budget to cycling investment has been quoted in the London Assembly as an example to the Mayor, Boris Johnson…


Princes Street petition

Spokes is calling for Princes Street, Scotland’s premier street, to be made pedestrian-friendly, cycle-friendly, and a truly great place to move around, relax, shop, eat and enjoy in peace and safety. Please sign our petition – see link below!!


Grit not greet

[Note – This news item is from 2013, when Edinburgh’s regularised cycleroute gritting scheme began. For current Council gritting priorities & map see our council links page]

Whilst cyclists across the UK are greeting* about icy bikepaths, Edinburgh Council is being praised for its gritting…


Leith Walk future

A remarkable joint submission by Greener Leith, Spokes, local Community Councils, the Cockburn and other groups puts the council under unprecedented pressure to come up with a truly people-friendly Leith Walk, including a ‘protected’ uphill cycle lane …


Christmas Cheer!!

[Jan 3 update: How the £3.9m is being used Scotsman article Herald article] Two rather nice developments to end the year! One from Edinburgh City Council, one from the Scottish Government …


Quick chance for more cycling investment

[20 December update: this quick-fire campaign succeeded!! See Dec 19 news item]. There’s a short window of opportunity to gain a modest one-off boost to Scottish cycling investment. Please send a quick email to your MSPs now…


Get Britain Cycling: APPCG Inquiry

Spokes has responded to the UK All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group’s Inquiry, “Get Britain Cycling” …


More bikes again: and QBiC helps

[updated 25 November] Despite drizzly weather the Spokes November 2012 Edinburgh traffic count found yet another rise in bike numbers, both in total and as a % of all vehicles…


Spokes Bulletin 114

Out now! – the latest on Scottish cycle policy & funding, Edinburgh council projects 2012 & 2013, new shared paths flyer, facts & theories on bike use & safety,…
